Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Demographic Outlook 2024 to 2054 Part 1: Factors Contributing to Population Growth

The Demographic Outlook: 2024 to 2054, Congressional Budget Office, January 2024 A difference approach to determining the population, the resulting projections, and outcomes as determined by the Congressional Budget Office. The Congressional Budget Office is describing its population projections, which underlie the agency’s baseline budget projections and economic forecast that have been published in already. […]

Manufacturing in China? The true cost may surprise you

by Nick Dewhurst Plastics Today AB: This is along the lines of what I used to do when I was working in supply chain and manufacturing. Typically, companies would hire me to adjust or fix the supply chain and I would end going much further than just supply chain. If you understand the process and […]

Republicans aim to limit future ballot initiatives like the Arizona Abortion Access Act

By Robert Gundran copper courier Arizona is a strange state which makes Michigan appear to be sane. Obviously, politicians want to be in control and they are taking any method of doing so. This came about due to a bunch of Arizona judges decided to make abortion something very difficult to do. “With a stroke […]

US Immigration: How many people are coming to the US and where are they coming from?​

I chose three graphs off of the USA Facts Org. site to make points of where are immigrants coming from, the makeup of them, how the border apprehends them, and the numbers turned away or apprehended. There is a much longer, well detailed, and interesting version of this commentary at USA Facts Org. ~~~~~~~~ 2024 […]

US Population Growth

In 2006, Joel Garreau (Smithsonian) wrote: “The United States’ population is growing at the rate of almost 1 percent per year, thanks in part to immigration and its secondary effects. Not only does the United States accept more legal immigrants as permanent residents than the rest of the world combined, but these recent arrivals tend […]

Is Age Really a Factor or Is It Just Political Maneuvering

SUMMARY: The 2024 presidential election has turned into a crash course in gerontology. On Election Day, former president Donald Trump will be 78 years old, and President Biden will be a couple weeks shy of 82. Never have two people of such advanced age been the nominees of the major political parties, nor has there […]

Questioning the University Investments Feeding the Endowments. The Returns are Weak

Excellent piece by one of CEPR’s Domestic Program Interns . . . Alex Richwine. That name rings a bell with me. I am sure you will find this piece to be an excellent report detailing university investment returns. Quite apropos . . . give todays circumstances. ~~~~~~~~ University Endowment Returns Don’t Measure Up by Alex […]