Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Some and not many Pundits are Optimistic Trump Will Win, I am Not.

This is not 2016 and Trump got one hell of a shellacking from Harris. This forecast by Nate Silver seems to me to be a bit optimistic. about Trump in the lead with 60-something percent. After Trump’s debate performance with Kamala Harris, I do not see Trump winning. If he does, it will be slight. […]

UPDATE: Real median household income for <sigh> 2023

 – by New Deal democrat I’m a little late to this, since FRED took its time updating, but the annual report of median household income for the US was released on Tuesday for 2023.  This is an important statistic about the well-being of, well, the median American household, so one of my pet peeves is […]

Unforeseen Health Care Bills Coverage Denials by U.S. Insurers

Coverage denials as reported by the Commonwealth Fund today almost never happened in the past and was a rare occurrence. The insurance companies would concede to the findings of the examining doctors. The methodology being used today is to deny, deny, deny until the insured and the doctor give up. I think it was 1997 […]

USPS has been Addressing Mail Slowdown in the Guise of Improvements

Will mail slowdown affect your area? USPS won’t say, Save the Post Office Richmond Times-Dispatch: The USPS is proposing a new plan in order to keep itself afloat, and the plan involves slower mail in rural ZIP codes across the country. But the agency will not say which post offices will be affected. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy […]

Initial claims still positive, moving into very challenging YoY comparisons (plus a note about the PPI)

– by New Deal democrat If residual post-pandemic seasonality has been affecting jobless claims statistics, the real acid test is going to begin next week, as for the next 7+ months, any number higher than 220,000 is almost always going to be higher than one year ago. In the meantime, for this our last week of […]

One Would Think Low-Cost Stores Would Know How to Adapt During Poor Economic Times . . .

Apparently, the larger WalMarts, Target, etc. know how to do so. The lower cost rivals(?) which should have greater appeal to its targeted customers are struggling. ~~~~~~~ Dollar General and Dollar Tree need a ‘new playbook‘ to compete . . . In the world of retail, Walmart, Target, and Costco continue to thrive with their blend of quality […]

Trillions in Taxes Dodged by Ultra-Rich Could Fund the Social Security Trust Fund

Without a doubt, there are simpler ways to resolve the funding of Social Security going beyond 2035. Bruce Webb, Dale Coberly, and Angry Bear have discussed the topic enough times. They have also been verbally attacked by others for suggesting the Northwest Plan is a way to secure Social Security up till 2100 or close […]