Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Things are So Bad, Industrial and Manufacturing Production are close to 10-year Highs

Industrial and manufacturing production close to 10 year+ highs in June  – by New Deal democrat If the news in housing construction the other morning was cautionary, the news on manufacturing and industrial production was very good. Manufacturing production (red in the graph below) rose 0.4% in June, and is only 0.2% below its post-pandemic […]

Manufacturing and construction make up the vast bulk of the goods producing sector, and they are still trending postive

The leading sectors of the labor market are still generally trending positive  – by New Deal democrat Our economic news drought ends tomorrow with the CPI report, and I’ve beaten the issue of unemployment to death, so today let’s turn to the leading sectors from the Establishment Survey portion of the jobs report, whereas I’ve […]

Increasing manufacturing in May. Expectation is less in June due to FED Rate

May 2024 manufacturing report. Manufacturing was up in May after following two months of it being down in April and March. There is belief, manufacturing will be down in June as the FED did not reduce the FED Rate. I also suspect manufacturing will not take off in June. However, I believe it will be […]

Manufacturing in China? The true cost may surprise you

by Nick Dewhurst Plastics Today AB: This is along the lines of what I used to do when I was working in supply chain and manufacturing. Typically, companies would hire me to adjust or fix the supply chain and I would end going much further than just supply chain. If you understand the process and […]

Building and Expanding semiconductor facilities

Biden is at it again. This time with Intel in AZ. With all the issues with passing a budget since earlier last year, I wonder how Biden and the Dems got this out of Congress. Must be some pretty good pork involved with these programs to get approvals. Companies are kicking in $240 billion in […]

It’s Cheaper to Manufacture Plastic Products in Ohio than in China

Before you go on a bender claiming it is not true. It is true. Your costs of inventory and transportation are high. Three weeks on the ocean plus one week on the dock on each side of the ocean. Transportation costs and time to the buyer. Container costs this last go around were as high […]

October industrial and manufacturing production tank – but it’s all about the UAW strike

October industrial and manufacturing production tank – but it’s all about the UAW strike  – by New Deal democrat Industrial production historically has been the King of Coincident Indicators, turning up and down coincident with the onset and end of recessions in the past. But there are signs that has changed in the past 20+ […]

Industrial and manufacturing production continue to falter

Industrial and manufacturing production continue to falter  – by New Deal democrat I frequently call industrial production the King of Coincident Indicators, because so often the turning point in this metric has been at the peaks and troughs of the economy as a whole. That has not been the case since last September, when this […]

Survey: Toyota, Honda, GM Supplier Working Relationships

A story . . . Supplier working relationships were always tough in automotive. A lot of politicking going there, lunches, dinners, etc. Kind of difficult to walk a straight line with them and maintain an ethical standard. Yet, I did and was known for doing what I said I would do. I worked for several […]

Forecast: real manufacturing and trade sales are likely to set a new record for January

Forecast: real manufacturing and trade sales are likely to set a new record for January  – by New Deal democrat One of the four monthly series of coincident indicators most relied upon by the NBER in determining whether the economy is in expansion or recession is Real Manufacturing and Trade Sales. A significant problem with it […]