Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Are Real Interest Rates Restrictive?

 – by New Deal democrat Over the weekend Harvard econ professor Jason Furman suggested that the Fed funds rate is not very restrictive: “As inflation has come down the real Federal funds rate has risen and is now the most restrictive it has been this cycle, a point that Austin Goolsbee has emphasized a number of times […]

My reasons for confidence about the election

By Infidel753 Infidel753 Blog My Independence Day post was largely a repudiation of the lurch into pessimism and panic which has been evident in some quarters over the last couple of weeks.  This stance is not rooted solely in my natural antipathy for pessimists and cynics.  I have solid reasons, based on evidence and facts, for optimism […]

What Does Christian Nationalism Stands for and Do the Two Words Reflect Positive Values

I draw upon Joyce Vance to explain such during her interview with Amanda Tyler, a lawyer who is the executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. This is taken from Civil Discourse. Five Questions With Christian Nationalism Expert Amanda Tyler by Joyce Vance Civil Discourse Earlier this week, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley said, […]

Whether You Have One or Two Shots of Whiskey Occasionally, It Affects Your Health

The latest news? Do not drink. A shot of anything is generally 1.50 fluid ounces, which is 41.7 grams. Whiskey can range in proof, starting at 80 proof. Simple math and using 80 proof whisky (40% alcohol) yields 16.68 grams of alcohol. I am going to guess Bourbon is similar. I got tired of reading the […]

Drone Swarms

Drones are changing warfare. They are cheap and deadly. I am thinking about their use in stopping a marine invasion. The reason is that I am concerned that it is not clear enough to Xi JinPing that an invasion of Taiwan would be a huge error. The problem with anti-ship drones is that they are […]

Ten Fundamental Economic (Mis)understandings

It’s all about the words . . . by Steve Roth Originally Published at Wealth Economics This article was first published on Cameron Murray’s great Fresh Economic Thinking. It’s slightly revised here. Maybe I’m just dense, but when I started studying economics roughly twenty years ago, I immediately ran into a bunch of basic concepts that […]