Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Should Democrats rally around Harris?

It appears that the democratic nomination contest is wrapped up.  People are voting with their wallets.  Pelosi and Obama at one point appeared to favor some kind of competitive process, but Pelosi has evidently thrown her support behind Harris.  Potential rivals are all standing down. Ezra Klein is still making the case for an abbreviated […]

A Partial Presentation- Joe Biden’s Legacy

Biden’s legacy: a Summary by Noah Smith – an introduction to Noahpinion Noahpinion Joe Biden announced today that he won’t seek reelection for President. We don’t yet know who will replace him, but we know Biden’s tenure in office will soon end. Now is the perfect time to talk about Biden’s legacy as America’s 46th […]


by Tom Walker Econospeak Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading — part 2.3  Inversion Marx stated repeatedly in the Grundrisse that capital inverts the relationship between necessary and superfluous labour time. Capital both creates disposable time and expropriates it in the form of surplus value, reversing the nature-imposed priority of necessity […]

Why Consumption Taxes (VATs) are Insanely Regressive

Progressives and social democrats should be fighting them tooth and nail, not blithely embracing them. by Steve Roth Originally Posted at Wealth Economics The spreadsheet behind the tables and graphs here is available on request. Drop me a line in the comments or elsewhere. Following the community of Socks (🧦s) or “social democrats” out there […]

Manafort Returns and Walks the Floor of the Republican National Convention

If you have not been watching, Manafort returns to Trump’s side. Forty-seven months in prison was too short for Manafort. And Trump reveals his ways by having him there. Convicted criminals’ side by side. And Democrats are in disarray over Biden or . . . “July 18, 2024,” Walking the floor of the Republican National […]

Robert Reich and Sidekick Heather are having a listen-in to Trump’s Acceptance Speech and Lies

Tonight: Put on your seatbelts, watch your wallets, bring your parachute, and join us ( Just click on the link above to have access. And the timing? Friends, In just a few hours, Donald Trump — convicted felon, twice-impeached former president, denier of the results of the 2020 election, instigator of an attempted coup — […]