Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

“If you’re explaining, you’re losing”

Rob Belgeri at “Social Media Platform Migration.” Facebook. The last presidential debate I watched was between Bush I and Dukakis. Bush’s unctuousness and lies flattened Dukakis’s policy wonk lack of dynamism. I tapped out after 5-10 minutes. These are not debates. They are junior high gotchya sessions. The one who plays by Marquise of Queensbury […]

Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The Middlemen Inflating Drug Costs and Squeezing Main Street Pharmacies

There are seventy-one pages to this FTC report. My commentary looks at 5 edited (mine) pages of the report. The intent is to introduce you to Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and the control they have over the market. The services they provide has been integrated with the healthcare insurance companies. Which makes this a dynamic […]

Arizona abortion ballot measure locks in more than twice the number of signatures needed

by Robert Gundran The Copper Courier I was not expecting to see a turnout as large as this one in Arizona as mentioned below in The Copper Courier. In April, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld an 1864 law, which carries with it a mandatory prison sentence for doctors who provide an abortion for any reason other […]

Misspelling the Topic and Point of your Attack

One has to wonder whether the misspelling is purposely done to attract attention or is a true misspelling of dementia. If you can not spell it correctly, how can you accuse a successful president who sidestepped a pandemic, kept a nation going during the pandemic, and has many other accomplishments over the past years. Pennsylvania […]

Hey, this is Not Short. A Ten minute Read. The History of Originalism. Dahlia Lithwick

One of my favs for legal stuff. Supreme Court rulings on guns, abortion, Constitution: How originalism ate the law. ( by Dahlia Lithwick SLATE America is being led astray by a small handful of folks who are drunk-driving on originalism—and not in a funny Marx Brothers, spin-around-in-circles-and-all-fall-down sort of way. No, it’s in a children-murdered-in-their-classrooms, women-hemorrhaging-in-parking-lots, […]