Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

2022 Overpayment to Medicare Advantage? Somewhere between 22% and 35%

Maybe $88 billion and $140 billion will get your attention? Congress does not blink an eye at this expenditure. Received an email from PNHP’s Kip Sullivan who is knowledgeable on Single Payer and Medicare Advantage healthcare plans. Whenever he writes an article, he sends me an email so Angry Bear can be first in line […]

Legislation to Alleviate Administrative Burdens for Family Caregivers

To detail why this is so important, I turn to Doctor Barry J. Jacobs: “Caregivers, like marathon runners, must learn the lay of the land, find a sustainable pace and accept replenishment along their journey if they have any hope of gamely persevering from start to finish line. With this metaphor in mind, we can […]

Financial Engineering’s Impact on Hospitals and Healthcare Delivery

This is a smaller version of a larger article in The Atlantic. I believe I have captured all of the issues needing to be presented. A hospital’s delivery of healthcare is more than just profit-taking to which the big firms invest their money. With the involvement of private equity firms buying up hospital chains, the […]

Medical Debt Is Killing Patients who Deny Costly Healthcare

Emergency Physician and Pennsylvania state representative Arvind Venkat, MD has a detail story to tell about the impact of healthcare upon patients who can not afford the insurance, or are under insured, and opt to deny healthcare. And most can not afford the payments resulting from Medical Debt. This is a good plan and the […]

Had Computer Issues

Been busy updating my computer when I ran into an issue. I had paid for the Geek Squad when we bought a new Sony TV for our new house in AZ. I took my lap top into them and they sorted through it all , fixed the issue, corrected some other issues I di not […]

OEMs Pulling Back from EVs?

I rewrote portions of this article and added information from my own experiences in Automotive when new technology is introduced. My experience is not as great when compared to the introduction of EVs. However, it does come close enough to understand what is going on with the industry. Anyways, onwards. As taken from: GM Says […]

Catherine Rampell of WaPo notes the U.S. economy “looks remarkably good.”

Prof. Heather giving a news report on the economy and what people are believing based on their politics. The economy has weathered a pandemic, inflation, supply chain events, a war in eastern Europe, dysfunctional Republicans, politics, trump, and it keeps on ticking. I expected more of a 2008 scenario with Congress and the Fed ravishing […]

New Way for Consumers to Access Sanofi’s Lantus Diabetes Prescriptions for $35

What is occurring in this announcement is GoodRx working or negotiating with Sanofi to reduce out-of-pocket costs to consumers for Sanofi’s Lantus, a treatment for diabetes. The out of pocket costs will be capped at $35.00. Great cost relief news for people who are not on Medicare, etc. More of the GoodRx announcement below. GoodRx […]

Terrorism by US Citizen Comes to Lewiston, Maine

Initially reported as 22 dead and maybe 50 wounded by a single white US terrorist in Lewiston, Maine. No reasoning for it. Maybe mental illness. When does reality come to America? Bullet spewing weapons are getting into the hands of people who should never have them. Time to grow up America. Lewiston is the second most […]