Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Minnesota hospitals helped create the stress they operate under today

by Kip Sullivan Counterpoint Minnesota Kip Sullivan has been featured at Angry Bear over the years. Kip is known for his promotion of Single Payer healthcare, the costs of it and the benefits of it to healthcare providers and patients. His topic today is HMOs and how they have impacted MN hospitals. HMOs prospered through […]

Freedom Echoing: A legislative fix for health care?

by Kip Sullivan JD This is a long one covering managed care and value-based care healthcare in Minnesota. The topic being why it hasn’t worked. It is worth the read. Angry Bear has covered Kip’s message on healthcare in an effort to show why healthcare costs are out of control. “The commission recommends the new […]

Take the Medical Profession and Healthcare Back from Corporate Interests

Shot an email off to Kip Sullivan to see what he was up to with Medicare. He returned my email with a copy of a letter he wrote Much going on in this letter I was not aware of and am assuming many other are not aware of either. Still they persist in corporatizing Medicare […]

2022 Overpayment to Medicare Advantage? Somewhere between 22% and 35%

Maybe $88 billion and $140 billion will get your attention? Congress does not blink an eye at this expenditure. Received an email from PNHP’s Kip Sullivan who is knowledgeable on Single Payer and Medicare Advantage healthcare plans. Whenever he writes an article, he sends me an email so Angry Bear can be first in line […]

Voting Yes on CalCare Means No on SB770

A bit of Political Activism Here . . . It appears SB770 is a way to slow the move to Single Payer healthcare in California. AB 1690 needs to be approved. HC4US joins union nurses in California who champion AB 1690, which sets in motion a single-payer health care coverage system for all residents in […]

The Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Program: High Cost for Uncertain Gain

The Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Program, Urban Institute, Laura Skopec and Robert A. Berenson The following is an introduction and a portion of a very readable report to which the link can be found at the end of this introduction. The findings are similar as to what Kip Sullivan and others have been reporting all […]

How Often Do Health Insurers Deny Patients’ Claims?

Similar story as what Medicare Advantage does in comparison to Traditional Medicare. Denials in commercial healthcare sound very similar as to what is found in Medicare Advantage plans. Similarities are the same companies sell both types of healthcare insurance. What has come into play with commercial healthcare is the PPACA which can force commercial healthcare […]

Minnesota’s future: How to contain health care costs, revisited

This is an interesting occurrence. On its own Minnesota is moving forth with a health care study to be completed by March 2024. The study topic is the implementation of single payer within the state and its impact on administrative costs. This year the state began questioning its present commitment to traditional healthcare’s and its […]

Corporate Healthcare being Handed ‘Get Out of Jail Free Cards’

Much like Kip Sullivan in Minnesota/PNHP who Angry Bear has featured, Kay Tillow of Kentucky is a Single Payer activist. You will find Kip saying similar things about Medicare Advantage, etc. And we are all a little bit different attempting to reach the same goals . . . preventing the privatization of Medicare and achieving […]

Value-Based Payment Is the New For-Profit Health Care Industry

Value-Based Payment Is the New For-Profit Health Care Industry first appeared at Angry Bear as written by Kip Sullivan, Kay Tillow, & Ana Malinow. This came after it appeared at Truthout. I reposted this one commentary and an early one by Kip because I am starting to see more activity on Value Based medicine. It is […]