Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Initial claims: revisions rear their ugly head again

Initial claims: revisions rear their ugly head again  – by New Deal democrat Revisions are a permanent hazard in reporting on economic data. That was very much in evidence in this week’s jobless claims report. Not only was last week’s number revised down by -17,000, but the initial report of 264,000 two weeks ago is […]

Democrats Reintroduce Bill to Expand U.S. Supreme Court

Democracy Alerts – Democrats Reintroduce Bill to Expand U.S. Supreme Court – Democracy Docket, I am certain this bill will not pass in the House. In any case, it puts SCOTUS on alert as to their politics. I would like to see Congress develop a code of ethics for SCOTUS which might go further than […]

Why Biden’s Domestic Content Incentives Matter

This is a pretty good take on what the administration is attempting to do in the US with regard to manufacturing. With some help from Republicans, this could be a change in the US for labor. Labor’s input in manufacturing raw materials and finished product would result in increased income. Much pf Labor could be […]

Biden’s First Meeting Remarks with Republican Congressional Leaders

I wish Biden’s advisors had given him some dialogue rebutting McCarthy’s plan for cuts in programs. It is this type of jawboning which make convince some, not all, citizens the need to change their minds. What is the harm, Republicans will bring to the economy over and above what the FED will incur on Labor. […]

The Constitution, Obama and raising the debt ceiling

In an effort to slow down the severe recession as well as the persistently high unemployment rate following the 2007-08 Financial Crisis, the government increased federal spending. As a result, the federal debt reached its limit on multiple occasions from 2008 to 2011 which led to a series of increases of the debt limit. In 2011, […]

More on the Debt Limit

This Hill article was up on Naked Capitalism’s Links this morning. More of the Democrats urging extreme caution in pursuing the 14th Amendment as a solution to a debt limit which is an agreement between parties and not a requirement. One could always print more money to resolve the issue also. Meanwhile, citizens having little […]

Credit conditions worsen, and likely to worsen further due to Debt Ceiling Debacle II

Credit conditions worsen, and likely to worsen further due to Debt Ceiling Debacle II  – by New Deal democrat The Senior Loan Officer Survey, which measures credit on offer by banks, and the demand for credit by their customers, was released yesterday afternoon for Q1, and the news – unsurprisingly – was not good. Credit conditions […]

New Deal democrats Weekly Indicators for May 1- 5

run75441’s footnote to NDd Weekly Analysis . . . The analysis by NDd is one of the most thorough ones, I read on a weekly basis. It sums up the week casting the numbers for the week in comparison to what is going on economically. What I see happening in the economy, NDd brings to […]

Where Do Eight Billion People Live?

SWP Report 2023 | United Nations Population Fund, In November 2022, the world population eclipsed 8 billion people. For many of us, it represents a milestone the human family should celebrate. A milestone of people living longer, healthier lives, and enjoying more rights and greater choices than ever before. If you have not noticed […]

House Debt Ceiling Bill

voting 217 Yes 215 no the House has passed a bill which would increase the debt ceiling, slash spending, and repeal (most of) the IRA. This ends the fun period when we could laugh at Republicans for demanding that Biden negotiate without themselves making a bargaining proposal. The bill is horrible. I am a Democrat […]