Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Trump met with a New York City probation officer

As the title says Trump met with a Court Probation Officer. A first for a president. The Probation Officer will assess him for resources, mental health, and criminal record. Trump’s attitude will play a part in this also. Hopefully. his attorney advises him to shut up. Which if he is smart, he will take the […]

Oil industry is Writing Executive Orders for Trump to Sign

In preparation for a renewed reign of the insurrectionist, energy sources and their associations are writing up executive orders to reverse much of what Pres. Joe Biden has done over 4 years. If you recall, the same was done after Barack Obama left the presidency. Many or most of Obama’s initiatives were reversed by an […]

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith files with SCOTUS

To get to SCOTUS first and decide whether trump has immunity from any and all criminal prosecution. This has been the heart of trump’s attorney filings and to delay. In the Southern Florida Federal District, we can see this emerging with a judge who appears to be promoting delays. The manner of which is similar […]

trying to “terminate” healthcare coverage for over 40 million Americans

Healthcare in the United States of America has always been difficult and the costs are commercially driven with some give to what the market will bear. While not perfect, the ACA was a huge step forward in providing affordable healthcare. Unfortunately, Ted Kennedy died shortly afterwards. Senator Kennedy was also advocating for Long Term Care. […]