Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Trump met with a New York City probation officer

As the title says Trump met with a Court Probation Officer. A first for a president. The Probation Officer will assess him for resources, mental health, and criminal record. Trump’s attitude will play a part in this also. Hopefully. his attorney advises him to shut up. Which if he is smart, he will take the […]

We have a serious problem: the two job surveys show two completely opposed economies

If you have been reading New Deal democrat’s over the weeks, you would already know the economy we have today is not for sure. The FED is holding the keys to a transition to a good economy favoring people or one that will punish people through no fault of their own. Houston, we have a […]

Initial jobless claims now in a confirmed seasonal uptrend, but still positive for the economy

 – by New Deal democrat My “quick and dirty” economic status indicator is the stock market (still making new all-time highs) and initial jobless claims, which are also still positive for the economy despite being in an apparent uptrend. Last week initial claims rose 8,000 to 229,000, their second highest level in the past 9 […]

About the April JOLTS report: hiring and quitting remain very, very good

 – by New Deal democrat I’ll write about today’s ISM non-manufacturing report later, but first I wanted to follow up with several more graphs based on yesterday’s JOLTS labor report for April. Basically, I didn’t want to leave the impression that the labor market was in any way sub-par based on those numbers. With that […]