Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

They can only “win” by cheating …

“They can only “win” by cheating …,” Homeless on the High Desert, Ten Bears. October 7, 2022 in g’da said Your Daily Chaos, Morning Digest: Elections ~ Here’s something you don’t see often—or ever: Republican Mike Erickson released an internal poll showing him leading his Democratic opponent, Andrea Salinas, the very same day that he filed a lawsuit demanding Salinas take down an […]

Lest We Forget . . .

How we got to this point? Maybe now seems like a good time to review the five core truths about the Russia scandal. “Lest We Forget …” | Homeless on the High Desert, August 29, 2022, g’da said “It was a few days after the FBI executed a court-approved search warrant at Mar-a-Lago. Donald Trump started […]

If This Goes On …

If This Goes On … | Homeless on the High Desert, Ten Bears June 29, 2022 in g’da said Republicans are absolutely going for the dark, theocratic future America First Legal (AFL), a right-wing group whose team includes several former Trump administration officials, is urging the Supreme Court to do even more to shatter what’s left of the […]

Think There’s a Connection … ?

“Ten Bears” poking at Fox News and Republicans downplaying the January 6 Insurrection by not broadcasting the 1st of six Hearings and probably the rest. One can only hope they will change their minds and take ownership of what they helped to sponsor. It is evident with their continuous denials, Homeless on the High Desert, […]

Simple Sabotage Field Manual

January 21, 2022 in g’da said, Homeless On the High Desert, Ten Bears Once top-secret CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manual … “Well this fun . . . Declassified June 16, 1976. “Regraded.” Ten Bears presents some methods I have seen work in business settings. Best bet, just nod your head and keep pushing. Organizations and Conferences Insist on […]

We’ve been over this before . . .

I have found Ten Bears in our comments section from time to time. I also followed the link to his blog “Homeless on the High Desert” and read a few of his posts. In “We’ve been over this before . . . ,” Ten Bears makes the point of migrants, people leaving their homeland to […]