Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Reasonably Good News From Reuters, Gross domestic product, or GDP, grew at a revised 3.1 percent in the second three months of the year, the government said before the open. That was up from the 2.4 percent rise estimated a month ago and slightly above Wall Street expectations for a 3.0 percent gain. AB UPDATE: […]

Update on “It’s because they’re stupid, that’s why. That’s why everybody does everything.” Just click here. As some might say, Jeebus. (For context on the title of this post, click here). AB

Leave No Fraudulent Statistics Behind A while back, Education Secretary Rod Paige made the news because Houston high schools, Sharpstown High School in particular, were caught faking drop out rates. Now, via Susan Nunes, I see that Houston high schools are also lying about how many of their students plan to go to college: Across […]

Angry Bear Traffic Tops 100,000 Per Day That, of course, is only on a pro forma basis. Ezra Klein at NotGeniuses has an interesting theory: What I’m trying to get is that in terms of sheer effect, 5 blog readers, due to how specialized and specific the medium is, equal thousands of Washington Post readers […]

Happy first anniversary to Dwight Merredith and Kevin Drum (who also had his one millionth visit the same week!). And best wishes to the TBogg family. AB

The Birth Tax From the NYT today: Even if the economy rebounds strongly over the next few years, the federal budget deficit could climb for the rest of the decade if Congress adopts proposals strongly supported by President Bush, the Congressional Budget Office said today…The nonpartisan office said the deficit would be $480 billion next […]

What was he trying to say? Conason is on Crossfire with Al Franken (who the witty Tucker keeps confusing with Al Sharpton. Hey Tucker, how about “Chairman Al”?) Also on is someone named Blanquita Cullum, who complains that she’s always introduced as a conservative, even though she was, minutes earlier, introduced as “nationally syndicated talk […]

Lying Liars and the Hypocritical Lying Jackasses with Bowties Who Tell Them I’m reading the transcript because I unfortunately missed what was surely a great Crossfire: Al Franken hosting and Joe Conason as a guest. Conservatives really just make shit up. And they’re hypocrites. Here’s Carlson ably displaying both at the same time: CARLSON: Well, […]

It’s because they’re stupid, that’s why. That’s why everybody does everything. The quote is from Homer Simpson. I’m reminded of it by these people. AB UPDATE: Orcinus has more.

This is Awesome is raising money to support the Texas Democrats and has almost reached its million dollar target (95.22% there)! That’s a lot of money for 11 state Senators. AB