Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Ideal Labor Share to max Employment… message to the Fed

This post is a message to the Federal Reserve if they are serious about maximizing employment. Yesterday I posted a model for labor share plotted against labor (Qty.) in response to a post by Simon Wren-Lewis. The model suggests that there is an ideal level of labor share that will employ the most amount of […]

The 2015 Analytical Perspectives: OMB vs SSA vs CBO

The Office of Management and Budget annually releases the President’s Budget as a baseline proposal for the next Fiscal Year. If the Congress is in whole or in part in the hands of the opposite party this mostly gets filed away somewhere in a drawer entitled “You Wish”. But it does come complete with a […]

Effective Demand and the Labor Market… response to Simon Wren-Lewis

Simon Wren-Lewis wrote about Aggregate Demand and the Labour Market. He shows that an aggregate demand constraint can keep employment from reaching its natural rate. He is essentially describing Keynes’ effective demand in his post. So I have made 2 changes to his title in the title of this post. I have changed aggregate demand […]

Social Security: What do Americans Want

The above is an extract from a 2012 National Academy of Social Insurance publication entitled Social Security: What do Americans Want. There is much to see and read in this publication and I urge people to take a look at this longish PDF of 57 pages and many Tables, of which this is just one. […]

CBO Releases 2014 Long Term Budget Outlook

2014 Long Term Budget Outlook (pdf 64pp) While we are still waiting on the 2014 Social Security Report we do have today the release of CBO’s annual Budget Outlook which among other parts does include a chapter on Social Security. I plan to extract and post some Tables from it but in the meantime people […]