Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Finacial blogger impressions

Rdan Steve Waldman at Interfluidity has written an impression of The financial blogger meeting with senior Treasury officials of last Monday. He also provides links to other main posts by those who attended. It is worth a visit.

CBO Scores Boehner Amendment to HR3962

by Bruce Webb Last evening the CBO Director Blog announced the release of a score of the Boehner amendment: A Preliminary Analysis of a Substitute Amendment to H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. The results are not impressive: (as always click to enlarge)The amendment is scored at reducing the deficit by $68 […]

Bruce Webb, Dale Coberly, Arne Larson and the National Academy of Social Insurance

Rdan The National Academy of Social Insurance report on options for Social Security is public and now available in pdf form. “The purpose of this report is to help analysts and policymakers consider options to bring Social Security into long-term balance in ways that also address concerns about benefit adequacy.” One cannot simply glance through […]

Boehner Amendment to HR3962: Open Thread

Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act Haven’t begun to read it. And somehow it is in a format that doesn’t allow cutting and pasting the text. So I am just throwing this out to the floor for open discussion in comments.

Going to Washington as a financial blogger

Rdan Yves Smith describes a meeting she attended at Treasury in D.C. Read at her place or the rest under the fold. The Treasury invited a small group of bloggers for a “discussion” with senior officials on Monday. Initially, the meeting was to be background, which is a sort of journalistic “FYI but you can’t […]

Home Buyer Tax Credit Extension

by Linda Beale Part of the reason for our ongoing Great Recession is that we have had so many measures in the tax code to favor home ownership that (i) banks started to think of mortgage securitization business as money growing on trees and (ii) homeowners started to think of their homes as money-growing trees. […]

The Rule of Capture and Legalized Theft

by cactus The Rule of Capture and Legalized Theft The rule of capture states that a resource belongs to the entity that, well, captured it, regardless of where that resource originated. In the US, it tends to apply to oil and natural gas development. What the rule of capture implies is that if you and […]

Government Site to Check

Mish sends us to “Track the Money,”’s breakdown of where funds have been sent and spent. He’s not happy, but I suspect he’s suffering the Jared Bernstein Problem: only looking at one side of the equation. But—and this is the key “but”—the reason it is right to do that is that ARRA money has […]

A Difference in National Priorities

AIG is bankrupt, but Manchester United still wears their logo. However, when Dutch bank DSB Bank NV filed bankruptcy, Stephen Colbert had to step in to sponsor U.S. Speedskating? Maybe the Dutch understand Sports Economics and the Americans don’t?* *J.C. Bradbury, Dennis Coates, Skip Sauer, to name just three, would dissent from the last statement. […]