Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

A Real Public Option

One of the most notable things about ski trips to the States from Canada was that they offered “U.S. medical insurance”—a buy-in that cost around the same as a lift ticket if you wanted to ski Stowe instead of Tremblant. One of the scariest moments in Sicko is when the Canadian relatives note that they […]

Greenberg returns

rdan Greenberg is back using the same business strategies he used at AIG. (hat tip Ruthie Ackerman, assoc. ed. New Deal 2.0) To point to Marshall Auerback an investment strategist who writes at New Deal 2.0 “Happy Halloween: Pay Curbs are a Trick on the Taxpayer, Not a Treat” feels like an anti-climax…Greenberg is way […]

Report from Chicago

guest post by run 75441 While the American Banking Association held their “Roaring Twenties” party to kick off their annual meeting, people from 20 different states, as far away as California, came together to kick off “Showdown Chicago” protesting the loss of jobs and the harsh and speculative practices put in place by banks and […]

Opt Out Going to the Senate Floor

Robert Waldmann Harry Reid is sending a health care reform bill with a public option and an opt out clause to the floor of the Senate. . Josh Marshall explains why it is good policy and notes “the importance that an outside-the-box idea can have in significantly changing the terms of a major policy debate.” […]

Public Option Opt Out and the Commerce Clause

by Bruce Webb Well it looks like Harry Reid is going to introduce a bill that includes a Public Option with a state opt-out provision. Which I guess means the Tenthers won’t have to secede from the Union after all. But it raises some questions. Let’s say I am from Washington State and have an […]

Marginal benefits

by cactus How much are all those folks at the various TARP corporate welfare recipients worth? We’re being deluged with stories about how many executives at such institutions are leaving because the big bad gubmint is limiting their pay, and how that’s going to hurt us in the long run. Worse, we’re told that this […]

Big week for currency intervention measures

by Rebecca Policymakers across Latin America are announcing measures to stem currency appreciation against the $US. Since March 2009, the $US depreciated 25% against the Colombian peso, 28% against the Brazilian real, 14% against the Mexican peso, 12% against the Peruvian nuevo sol, and 11% against the Chilean peso. Much of the $US’s lost value […]

The Newest “Hot Thing”

Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt The Newest “Hot Thing” As promised, after an eight day swing of health care conferences (speaking and listening) I am back in action. So what is the new hot thing among providers? Integrated Delivery Systems (IDS) This is hot, but not really new. IDS became hot in the 90s when it […]

What it means to be a Conservative Economist Today

Bruce Bartlett posts a note that could have come from me (but, for reasons that will become obvious, did not: During the 8 Reagan years, when marginal [tax] rates were sharply cut (but deficits were substantial), equities on the NYSE and the S & P 500 about doubled. During the 4 Bush 41 years, when […]

Lender of Only Resort?

Ken Houghton, having realized there is still a Commercial Paper market, looks at one implication of it. One of the things that gets ignored in all the fussing about government debt is how small it is by comparison to corporate debt. The shortest-term debt, Commercial Paper, can be very interesting. With a maturity that is […]