Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

HR3962: the new House Bill and its Scoring

by Bruce Webb Well I have been venturing around the blogosphere and it is grievously clear that most people did not take my advice and Read the Bill!. Well it is not too late: (3.3 MB) Moreover CBO followed up with their preliminary analysis: The above image is Table 2 and it shows the […]

Dr. Black asks, AngryBear Answers

The question: How much was credit being funneled away from all other sectors in the economy? The answer: Very little if any. Neither the general consumer lending: nor the specific Real Estate lending: appears to run in a different direction that Business Loans, except possibly, in the latter case, in late 2003 and early 2004. […]

1204 and forever…more unitary executive?

Rdan Hat tip Naked Capitalism regarding the Financial Stabilility Improvement Act as described by Washington’s Blog concerning banks/investment companies ‘too big to fail’ actions by the US and EU countries.October 29, 2009 begins testimony on more emergency powers by the executive branch. The House Committee on Financial Services will hold a hearing on the bill […]

Economic time/space phenomenon: Health care/Unemployment

by divorced one like Bush While your reading this, think about the physics concept of two things occupying the same time and space. Think about the similar idea that light is both a wave and a particle. Think about the message we have been told that many very bright people (like physicist) went to Wall […]

Read the Bill! (3.3 MB) The House Bill is out. It’s different, at a minimum in its numbering, ‘Sec 113’ and ‘Sec 116’ don’t mean what they did yesterday. I’m going to take some time to read through the naughty bits, maybe some of you could too. Discussion/updates later. Update one. (Sec 102) Medical Loss Ratios set […]

New look for Angry Bear

Rdan The new template is done for the most part and will be replacing the current template in November, about mid-month. It is faster and cleaner and should serve us well. There will be additional services included. Anyone who wants to take a look at the proto-type can in the near future.

Public Option Hardest Ball

Robert Waldmann The proposal made here in “Public Option Harder Ball” received enthusiastic support when it was coincidentally semi proposed as opt-in by Sen Carper (D-Bankruptcy Reform) and modified to to opt-out by Senator Schumer (D-tough guy). As presented here on September 4 it was clearly unconstitutional and needed work. Now I have another idea. […]


By Spencer (2009)   The issue of a jobless recovery is getting a lot of attention recently. I’ve found the best way to look at the issue is to compare the change in real growth and productivity over the long run. There have been three periods of different productivity trends in modern US economic history. […]

Lieberman Says He Will Support a Filibuster

Robert Waldmann Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday that he’d back a GOP filibuster of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill. Lieberman, who caucuses with Democrats and is positioning himself as a fiscal hawk on the issue, said he opposes any health care bill that includes a government-run insurance program — even […]