Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Political economy of lobbying

Rdan David Zetland at Aguanomics had some fun with a lecture and thought exercise. 02 November 2009The Political Economy of Lobbying Last week, I taught my students about different auction techniques. After I auctioned four books under different rules, I auctioned $1.00 for $3.75. Now before you say “WTF?” (or perhaps I am too late!), […]

Storing Energy Bleg

Robert Waldmann I am eager to learn from this blog again. A problem with solar and wind generation of electricity is the sun isn’t always shining and the wind isn’t always blowing and it is costly to store energy. I don’t see why energy can’t be stored using hydroelectric dams. They store huge amounts of […]

Opting Out and Individual Affordability Credits: a reply to DOLB

by Bruce Webb Divorced One and I are having what I think is a useful exchange that started with my post on Eligibility and Enrollment which he followed up with More on the Public Option. If you haven’t read that please do as this piece won’t make much sense otherwise. DOLB and I now agree […]

How to Explain Moral Hazard

It took me many years to understand the phrase “moral hazard.” It’s a fundamental tenet of economics, usually used to explain that, since consumers are untrustworthy, businesses need to charge them more.* It was finally cleared up for me in the midst of a presentation last year about how it’s a “moral hazard” issue that […]

Employment Report

By Spencer, The unemployment rate jumped to 10.2%. Except for the peak rate of 10.8% after the 1982 recession this is the highest in the post WW II era. The overall tenor of the report was very similar to the past three months reports and sent the message that the economy is no longer collapsing […]

Could Advancing Job Automation Technology Cause Structural Unemployment?

Martin Ford offers one man’s look into the future of a world in the USA of the results of continued increasing productivity, increasing income inequality, declining wage compensation, and consumption supported by debt. Robert touched on the issue recently, and Sandwichman has developed a range of thoughts on labor at Econospeak. One post cannot handle […]

More on the Public Option in the current house bill HR 3962

by Divorced one like Bush Bruce Webb put up a post titled “Health Care Exchange: Eligibility vs. Enrollment“. I have gained some clarification on the subject and have shared it with Bruce. I have asked him to comment also. There is a concern as to whether access to the Public Option (PO) was limited. Bruce’s […]

Productivity Growth

By Spencer, Third quarter nonfarm productivity rose at a 9.5% annual rate as output rose 4.0% and hours worked fell at a 5.0% rate. Historically, productivity has been a very good leading indicator of real GDP growth lagged two quarters. Productivity is also highly cyclical and the first year of a recovery typically experiences the […]