Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Sunday Funnies: “GOP Lawmaker Thinks He Exposed Busload of ‘Illegals'”

Anyone have a sword available for him to fall upon after his commentary of illegals invading Michigan? “Happening right now,” Michigan GOP Lawmaker State Rep. Matt Maddock wrote. “Three busses [sic] just loaded up with illegal invaders at Detroit Metro. Anyone have any idea where they’re headed with their police escort?” Attached to the tweet […]


I was catching up on the back issues of New Yorker accumulating on the coffee table, and read an article about the rise and decline of libertarianism in the GOP. The idea that anything resembling libertarianism was actually popular in the Republican Party is a joke. Ostensibly, libertarian wants to shrink big government. OK, lets […]

Competing GOP Tax proposals Graphic

An organization that is called: American Institute of Certified Tax Coaches has put up a summary graphic of the various tax proposals ofthe GOP candidates. It not only notes the major points of their plans, but what their plans would cost. It is presented in a sort of game board race layout. The Institute introduces […]