Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Did Rand Beers Leak to Dana Priest?

High comedy from NRO’s The Corner as JPod accuses Rand Beers of leaking: So Newsweek is reporting that Mary McCarthy denies being the leaker. This despite stories in the press saying that she failed a lie detector test and admitted to it. McCarthy’s not the the one who told Newsweek. Do you know who did? […]

We’ll Be Watching You

Mark Thoma finds this gem from the Columbia Business School Follies about Ben Bernanke … enjoy! Check this out: “Every Breath You Take,” by Dean Glenn Hubbard. It’s worth it (music video about Bernanke to the tune of “Every Breath You Take” – wmv file). Update: iTunes link (mp4).

Good Leaks, Bad Leaks, Mary McCarthy, and Neo-McCarthyism

Larry Johnson comments on the firing of whistleblower Mary McCarthy: I am struck by the irony that Mary McCarthy may have been fired for blowing the whistle and ensuring that the truth about an abuse was told to the American people. There is something potentially honorable in that action; particularly when you consider that George […]

Does the Buck Stop at Bush’s Desk?

I received the same email that Mark Thoma received as to the latest from Peggy Noonan. In my view, Mark is too kind to Ms. Noonan. For example – if I had the opportunity to write something for the adult readers of the Wall Street Journal (OK, I bet most of them skip the op-ed […]

Ouch – More Swiftboating of the Retired Generals

Credit to Belgravia Dispatch for catching more Swiftboat smears from Glenn Reynolds: If things were so bad before, they should have resigned in protest instead of complaining publicly once they were safely in retirement and, in some cases, had books to promote. Ah, Glenn – some of the generals did resign in protest. General Zinni […]

Swiftboating Anthony Zinni

Jonah Goldberg says GOTCHYA after he read Brit Hume: Former Clinton CENTCOM commander, Anthony Zinni … But in early 2000, Zinni told Congress “Iraq remains the most significant near-term threat to U.S. interests in the Arabian Gulf region,” adding, “Iraq probably is continuing clandestine nuclear research, [and] retains stocks of chemical and biological munitions … […]

In Defense of O’Neill

Donald Luskin praises Treas. Sec. Snow with the following: I’ve come to believe that John Snow is doing a terrific job. Since he was nominated by the president in January 2003, he has been at the center of the Bush administration’s best economic initiatives. In his first months in office, he helped push through the […]

PlameGate: NYSun Unaware of the Meaning of “Secret”

The Department of State’s July 9, 2003 continues to be discussed in the PlameGate matter. The latest is from the New York Sun article entitled “No Hint Seen in Memo that Plame’s Role Was Secret”: Contrary to published reports, a State Department memorandum at the center of the investigation into the leak of the name […]

More Fiscal Dishonesty from Certain Republicans

Sensible and honest conservative Bruce Bartlett emails me the latest nonsense from Deroy Murdock: Modest legislation to extend President Bush’s tax cuts for two years, rather than make them permanent, is trapped in a House-Senate conference committee. Such inaction might be understandable if tax cuts actually “ballooned the deficit,” as tax hikers always charge. In […]

Rich Lowry Advises Karl Rove

On partisan politics: When I talk to people about the sad state of the Bush administration lately, we always ask ourselves, “Well, what can he do now?” … I have come up with (an admittedly thin) seven-point plan of action: Accept an enforcement-only immigration bill. This is a no-brainer. Bush can say, “Look, I love […]