Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The GOP Talking Point

This afternoon I received an email from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. What really stood out is that the NRSC has only one talking point: Vote GOP or Bush might be impeached! An excerpt: “The Washington Post reported this week that House and Senate Democrats are salivating over the possibility of convening hearings on everything […]

Iran: Senator Hagel Counsels President Bush (or at least tries)

Lionel Beehner gives me yet another reason to think there is at least one Republican Senator with both sanity and spine: Yet the letter comes amid renewed calls by some, including former national security adviser Samuel Berger and Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), to reengage directly with Iran’s government to defuse the crisis by diplomatic means. […]

Hayden Nomination and Conservatives Allegedly Abandoning Bush

Glenn Greenwald is certainly correct: Notwithstanding the fact that the Bush administration has violated every tenet of this strain of conservatism for the last five years, conservatives will not be permitted to distance themselves from this administration — as they are transparently and pitifully trying to do now that Bush’s presidency is failed and is […]

Sulli v. Goldberg on Ponnuru’s The Party of Death

While the folks over at the National Review have nothing but praise for a book written by Ramesh Ponnuru, Andrew Sullivan (to his credit) has been criticizing what appears to be a partisan cheap shot. Jonah Goldberg is upset with Sulli and offers this advice: maybe Andrew Sullivan could simply take a few extra minutes […]

Buckley on Galbraith

Max Sawicky had a fitting tribute to the late John Kenneth Galbraith and linked to several others. This may be a little on the late side, but I was truly insulted by the National Review’s version of an obituary for Professor Galbraith, which was to replay this September 2001 smear from William Buckley. Consider, for […]

Cato Unbound: What Tax Increases Would They Suggest?

Via Mark Thoma comes a debate between David Frum and Bruce Bartlett as to the prospects of achieving fiscal responsibility through cuts in government spending. The short answer is that we cannot. Let’s have Mr. Frum up first: In the 1990s, the newly elected Republican congressional majority enjoyed what we can now see was the […]

Exxon’s Profit Report

Kevin Drum watches the stock price of Exxon decline even though they reported $8 billion in quarterly profits. CNN’s American Morning was on the story explaining the decline in the stock price by noting that analysts had expected $9.2 billion (not trillion). At one point – Andy Serwer hinted that the difference between reported earnings […]

PlameGate Update: Karl “Not a Target” Rove

Jim VandeHei reports: White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove sought to convince a federal grand jury yesterday that he did not provide false statements in the CIA leak case, testifying for more than three hours before leaving a federal courthouse unsure whether he would be indicted, according to a source close to the […]

Tony Snow’s Criticism of George W. Bush

Think Progress, Christy Hardin Smith, and the DSCC congratulate Tony Snow on his being appointed as President Bush’s chief excuse maker with a few quotes from the past. Byron York provides us with one of his reader’s views on all of this: Of course, these (Center for American Progress) are among the same people who […]

Sean Hannity Explains the Rise in Gasoline Prices – Liberals!

NewHounds watch Fox so we don’t have to: Hannity’s face was in the bullyboy squint and he jabbed his finger as he spoke to “Democratic strategist” Bob Beckel. “I want YOU to know, Bob Beckel, I give blame for high gas prices. 30 years of the Democrats beholden to the extreme environmental movement, we haven’t […]