Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Can Congress Deny Birthright Citizenship?

Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times argues that it can and it should: “There is a general agreement about the fact that citizenship in this country should not be bestowed on people who are the children of folks who come into this country illegally,” said Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican, who is participating in the […]

nation’s largest television networks to grow bigger

Veto Proof F.C.C. Media Rule Blocked in House in a 400-to-21 Vote WASHINGTON, July 23 — The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation today to block a new rule supported by the Bush administration that would permit the nation’s largest television networks to grow bigger by owning more stations. The vote, which was 400 to […]

Liberalism and Growth

Liberalism and Growth Recently, I said I would try to make the case that liberalism causes growth. Certainly, correlations suggest that this is the case. For instance, income is substantially higher in Blue states than Red states. The inability of the Soviet Union to match the productive output of the United States is another example. […]

All the Laws But One

Has Anyone Read this Book? In 1998, Chief Justice Rehnquist published a book, All the Laws But One, on the subject of civil liberties and the writ of habeas corpus. I hadn’t heard of this book until I came across this: Chief Justice Rehnquist talked about his latest book on U.S. Supreme Court history, All […]