Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Saving Rural Hospitals and Strengthening Rural Healthcare

Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform CHQPR I started reviewing rural hospitals a little over a year ago. Not much has changed. These smaller hospitals lack for resource and manpower because of their budget restraints. Services they provide may not be covered by a patient’s fees. As a result, they are always battling their budget. […]

Minnesota hospitals helped create the stress they operate under today

by Kip Sullivan Counterpoint Minnesota Kip Sullivan has been featured at Angry Bear over the years. Kip is known for his promotion of Single Payer healthcare, the costs of it and the benefits of it to healthcare providers and patients. His topic today is HMOs and how they have impacted MN hospitals. HMOs prospered through […]

Dr. Richard Bucholz and the origins of modern brain surgery

If you or your loved one had successful brain surgery, you can probably thank my colleague, Dr. Richard Bucholz, Professor of Neurosurgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Dr. Bucholz pioneered and invented the image-guided surgery navigational system marketed by Medtronic as the “Stealth Station.” It is standard equipment in nearly every neurosurgical suite […]

Another Administration Win in Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Lawsuits

by Sheela Ranganathan and Zachary Baron Health Affairs Introduction: This article is discussing the efforts of the pharmaceutical companies attempting to block Medicare and the government negotiations with them for pricing. Early on in the District Courts, the pharmaceutical companies are being denied standing. This is why I posted the article. The cases may still […]

Senators Oppose Georgia-Pacific Two-Step Process Avoiding Financial Responsibility

Having to file with the VA for issues resulting from being stationed at Camp Lejeune, I can see why such a maneuver by Koch Industries is frustrating. GP is attempting to avoid all responsibility. At least, the VA will hear you out. Then take their time deciding. One family friend (Marine) had to file three […]

Republicans aim to limit future ballot initiatives like the Arizona Abortion Access Act

By Robert Gundran copper courier Arizona is a strange state which makes Michigan appear to be sane. Obviously, politicians want to be in control and they are taking any method of doing so. This came about due to a bunch of Arizona judges decided to make abortion something very difficult to do. “With a stroke […]

The Failing Battle for Health and Healthcare in These All Too Disunited States

Tom Dispatch site commentary suggested by Dale Coberly . . . Tom: It’s not complicated. This country, as TomDispatch regular and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign Liz Theoharis makes clear today, is simply unprepared — unprepared, that is, to keep all too many Americans even reasonably healthy and well. It matters little that this may be the wealthiest country on the planet . […]

Anatomy of a policy failure

by Merrill Goozner GoozNews How high-deductible health insurance plans, touted by free marketeers, caused the medical debt crisis and degraded public health. ~~~~~~~~ The 2003 Medicare Modernization Act, best known for its senior citizen drug plans, also encouraged the rapid expansion of high-deductible health plans (HDHPs). It allowed people, mostly well-off, to put pre-tax earnings […]

Abortion, IVF and the nanny state

Let’s be very clear: in vitro fertilization (IVF) results in far more zygotes than will ever be implanted. Further, pre-implantation testing means that some zygotes will be rejected. In the end, this means that millions of fertilized eggs will be discarded. That was always baked in the IVF cake. For reasons that escape me as […]