Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Ethanol Is Worse for the Climate Than Gasoline

A Story Treehugger has been spotlighting this famous Andy Singer cartoon since 2007. “Treehugger, Sustainability for All” received a boost from Slate in and around 2006 when I was a “starred-commenter” (don’t ask) at Slate’s “Moneybox (Daniel Gross)” and “Best of the Fray.” Slate management decided to blow the place up and eliminated the comments sections […]

Climate Change, Front and Center, Government Wrestles With Itself

We as a nation are seriously confronted by a changing environment that is leaving more rain in some spots, and less in others. To the west of the Powell Meridian, drought scorched plains, to the east, floods, washouts. In both, crop failure and societal pressure of devastating loss of both property and life. Take for […]

An Environmental Mismatch Between Discourse, Actions, and Investments

This is a follow-on to Dan’s commentary on living on the East Coast or in the Southwest region of the country. I live in an area of the Southwest which is not experiencing the harsher impact of climate change. Even so, the higher temperatures create a drier atmosphere, thirsty for moisture, which it draws from […]

NOAA or Noah?

Without efforts to control human-caused global warming, we should consider the current extremes a preview of coming attractions.  While the mega drought continues in the west and southwest:  Although the 2021 summer monsoon was good – well above average in some places – it was not enough to counter the cumulative shortfalls of the preceding […]

Our relationship with water

The Western U.S. and northern Mexico are experiencing their driest period in at least 1,200 years, according to the new study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The last comparable — though not as severe — multidecade megadrought occurred in the 1500s, when the West was still largely inhabited by Native American tribes. NPR reminds us […]

Digging out

With two feet of snow and 40-50 mph gusts of wind yesterday and wind chill temps of -15 degrees F.,, it was quite a day this Jan. 29. I am steadily working on digging out of the snow this night and into Sunday but did not lose power nor heat so feel fortunate. I think […]

OPEC’s January Oil Market Report

RJS: Focus on Fracking December global oil shortage was 1,240,000 barrels per day as OPEC output was 625,000 barrels per day short of quota; global oil shortage for 2021 was 1,446,300 barrels of oil per day. Tuesday of this week saw the release of OPEC’s January Oil Market Report, which includes OPEC & global oil data […]

Farm in a Square, Harvest in a Circle

All throughout the Midwest, Plains, pretty much anywhere that doesn’t get adequate rain you can look on Google maps and see square fields with bright green circles in the middle. These are pivot fields that are irrigated from aquifers below. The corners of those fields are usually left barren. No, these are not the corners […]