Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Oil and SPR at 13 & 19 Year Lows, Total Oil + Product Supply Down

Summary Commenter RJS: US oil supplies at a 13 year low, SPR at a 19 year low: total oil + products supplies at a 7 1/2 year low, distillate supplies at 26 month low after refinery freeze off The Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA US oil data from the US Energy Information […]

An Environmental Mismatch Between Discourse, Actions, and Investments

This is a follow-on to Dan’s commentary on living on the East Coast or in the Southwest region of the country. I live in an area of the Southwest which is not experiencing the harsher impact of climate change. Even so, the higher temperatures create a drier atmosphere, thirsty for moisture, which it draws from […]

Oil prices – 7 year high, the longest string of weekly gains on record

Oil prices at 7 year high after longest string of weekly gains on record, Focus on Fracking, Commenter and Blogger RJS Oil prices rose for a record 9th consecutive week to a fresh 7 year high following across the board withdrawals from US oil & product inventories . . . after rising 3.7% to a […]

Energy independence and a national fleet of hot air baloons

Via Economist’s View on reducing oil imports and energy independence for the US is reader Min’s proposal, which I have unabashedly stolen: For forty years politicians have been promising energy independence for the US. Forget it. It is not going to happen, at least not any time soon. Our best bet is to cut back […]

Is Barack Obama Morphing Into Dick Cheney?

Barkley Rosser reports from the world ecology conference in Rio,  Michael Klare offers a a comprehensive overview of US international political policy regarding energy. (hat tip Spencer) By Michael T. Klare,Tom Dispatch re-posted with permission from the author Is Barack Obama Morphing Into Dick Cheney? Four Ways the President Is Pursuing Cheney’s Geopolitics of Global […]