Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Health Care thoughts: Obamacare Suffers Serious Set Back

Health Care thoughts: Obamacare Suffers Serious Set Back The Community Living Assistance Services and Support (aka C.L.A.S.S.) is a lesser discussed but important feature of Obamacare (PPACA). The Act requires the feds to set up a quasi-insurance self-funding mechanism for long-term care services (for more details see my write up at ISSUU/healthcarethinktank. During testimony in […]

Guest post: Prometheus and Bundled Payments

As an extension of one of my posts, Global payment system, as the current buzz in healthcare reform, Michael Halasy points us to one of his choices for a plan. Guest post by Michael Halasy, Practicing Emergency Medicine PA, Health Policy Analyst, and Health Services Researcher Prometheus and Bundled Payments So, one of the more […]

Super moon tonight

NPR writes: Get outside if you can Saturday evening and look up. Something that only happens a couple times in most people’s lives should be putting on a pretty good show (and we can all use a break from the news of late). As NASA’s Science News explains, a “super moon” will be dominating the […]

Information Reporting on foreign depositors in US banks–Florida’s GOP delegation shamefully supports tax evasion facilitation

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Information Reporting on foreign depositors in US banks–Florida’s GOP delegation shamefully supports tax evasion facilitation Many wealthy Americans have taken advantage of banking secrecy in other countries, particularly Switzerland, to hide their assets and income from the United States, thus avoiding paying their fair share of taxes on their riches.  […]

Japan: The Post-WW2 Rise, the 1980s Peak, and the Decline – A Simple Theory

by Mike Kimel Japan: The Post-WW2 Rise, the 1980s Peak, and the Decline – A Simple TheoryCross-posted at the Presimetrics blog. A lot has been written about the disaster in Japan. I don’t have much I can add to that, except that like everyone else (or at least everyone civilized), I am so very sorry […]

Simon Johnson on Tim Geithner and Elizabeth Warren

Simon Johnson offers pointed criticism of the role Timothy Geithner has played to date in the Great Recession and bank regulation, in particular as an advisor and architect to the Obama economic team and how that policy is presented and pursued in Congress. Another worthwhile read.

Liveblogging the Civil War

This week in 1861: March 18:  Governor Sam Houston of Texas refuses to take oath of allegiance to Confederacy and is deposed.[214],  ,Confederate Brigadier General Braxton Bragg prohibits further passage of supplies to Fort Pickens at Pensacola, Florida.[214][215]  (ilsm)

Notice on commenting

Comments have gotten heated and way off base (not a political statement 🙂 if the goal is adding knowledge and a thorough critique of ideas that are presented. I will be taking a more active role in moderation. I think we had crossed a boundary somewhere along the line. The Brown-Johnston back and forth seemed […]

WTO ruling: ‘free trade’ and ‘state capitalism’ needs broader discussion

A recent ruling on countervailing duties and anti-dumping duties by the World Trade Organization:(bolding is mine) Senior Economist Ian Fletcher for the Coalition for a Prosperous America offers one point of view: The American position is that we are entitled to apply what are called “countervailing duties” against products that are subsidized by foreign governments. […]