Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Take a break …planning for efficiency

Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism points us to exploring how the pursuit of “efficiency”, for example in supply chains, without assessing what other risks are involved and planning ahead can result in major problems: It isn’t all that hard to understand that stressing efficiency at all cost comes at the expense of safety. Engineers will […]

Audit rates for the rich increasing–about time

by Linda Beale Audit rates for the rich increasing–about time crossposted with Ataxingmatter Note to readers:  sorry for the long absence again–personal circumstances prevented my blogging for the last several weeks.  I hope that I can again resume regular blogging now, but do apologize for the absence. The IRS recently released its 2010 Data Book, […]

King of California

David Zetland at Aguanomics offers this review of a topic that gets little national attention – the use of water between watershed areas, water rights, and how we value water to date at least in this area of the country. Use of water and policy on water use tends to be regionally and locally based, […]

PJ Crowley Resigns After Remarks Bashing Bradley Manning’s Detention

The Guardian via Alternet offers this note on the Bradley Manning pre-trial treatment: PJ Crowley Resigns After Remarks Bashing Bradley Manning’s Detention PJ Crowley, the official spokesman at the state department, has fallen on his sword after calling the treatment of Bradley Manning, the alleged source of the WikiLeaks files, “counterproductive and stupid”. The resignation […]

McConnel is partially right about Government Employment

McConnell is Partially Right About Government Employment David Weigel listens to Senator McConnell so we don’t have to: Weigel says: I looked at the government employment data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and it is true that most of those working for the government work for state and local government. As our table […]

Justifying Progressive Tax Rates

by Mike Kimel Justifying Progressive Tax RatesCross posted at the Presimetrics blog. The Atlantic’s website carries a blog by a conservative/libertarian who writes very well on a wide variety of topics, and who sometimes covers economic issues with great insight. Of course, I’m talking about Andrew Sullivan. (What, you didn’t think… of course not. Don’t […]

U.S. Civil War 150 years ago

Events 150 years ago should be remembered in 2011. A large re-enactment of scenes of the battle is planned for Gettysburg 1-3 July 2013. There were many event leading up to, and following, the greatest battle fought in the Western Hemisphere and they also should be commemorated. “11 Mar in 1861 is significant; it is […]