Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Why Don’t Tax Havens Become Industrial Powerhouses

by Mike Kimel Why Don’t Tax Havens Become Industrial Powerhouses Cross-posted at the Presimetrics blog. The other day I read somewhere (yet again) that low tax rates encourage development. Which got me to thinking about tax havens. I’ve noticed that places like the Cayman Islands, for instance, seem to be magnets for hedge funds, but […]

Robert Reich’s After Shock and Corey Robin’s Freedom Arguments

by Linda Beale In earlier posts on ataxingmatter (here and here), I reviewed Robert Reich’s 2010 book, After Shock, and wrote about his suggested cures for the problems made most visible in the 2007 crash and the Great Depression that followed. The gist of the book is summed up in the following quote: “[L]eft to […]

Medical Tourism, separating facts from fiction

by Michael Halasy Practicing Emergency Medicine PA, Health Policy Analyst, and Health Services Researcher Medical Tourism, separating facts from fiction One of the greatest myths that I hear on a somewhat regular basis, centers around the belief that the US must have one of the greatest health systems in the world, because everyone comes here […]

Sixteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chest…Social Security and the Facts of Life

Guest post by Dale Coberly Sixteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chest Yo Ho HoSocial Security and the Facts of Life Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said on Sunday the “Gang of Six” senators is “very close” to a deal on deficit reduction, suggesting the plan would impact Social Security that most Democrats have said is […]

Guest post: Massachussetts leads the way!

Guest post by Michael Halasy Practicing Emergency Medicine PA, Health Policy Analyst, and Health Services Researcher Massachussetts leads the way We have talked about bundled payments here, and getting rid of the antiquated and inefficient fee for service model. It looks like Massachussetts is on board suggests The Washington Post. Blue Cross is not alone. […]

GW Broke with Clinton. Did Obama Break with GW?

by Mike Kimel Update: McClatchy tackles the question here. GW Broke with Clinton. Did Obama Break with GW?Cross-posted at the Presimetrics blog The following major initiatives had occurred toward the end of April 2003, about two years and three months into the GW Bush administration: 1. Marginal income tax rate cuts in 2001, 2002 and […]

Guest post: Crisis in public education…RJs newsletter

Guest Post by RJS Crisis in public education School districts around the country have been hit with a triple whammy of cuts to their funding this year… First, the direct aid in the form of federal ARRA has run its course, so they’re no longer receiving that supplement. Second, the states have budgetary problems for […]

Guest post: No Assumptions for a Change

Guest Post From Robert Bowman, M.D. No Assumptions for a Change Assumptions are often incorrect and the assumptions are incredibly inaccurate in primary care and in basic health access. When one starts with the assumption of more pay, then it is easy to rationalize more training or more complexity of care – even when there […]