Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Best Data on Middle Class Decline (Updated)

by Kenneth Thomas who writes The Middle Class Economist(corrected author name) The Best Data on Middle Class Decline (Updated) The flurry of posts earlier this month on middle class decline (me, Lane Kenworthy, Matthew Yglesias, Kevin Drum) made me think some more about what the best way is to show what’s happened since the peak of […]

Congressman Ryan’s Health Care Booby Trap

by Michael Halasy Congressman Ryan’s Health Care Booby Trap Much has been said about “repeal and replace” it has become almost as much a part of GOP lexicon as “drill baby, drill”. The GOP despite having been supportive of the framework for the ACA previously, wants badly to discredit the administration and claim a victory […]

Obama Spends Millions More Than GOP Campaigns

On spending for the November Presidential elections comes this Associated Press article regarding President Obama campaign: WASHINGTON (AP) — The costly Republican primary has been draining Mitt Romney’s wallet and giving President Barack Obama time to build an expansive campaign architecture with offices in 45 states and hundreds of employees.The bad news for Obama is […]

Congressional Progressive Caucus’ Budget for All Deserves as Much Scrutiny as Paul Ryan’s Budget

Firedoglake author David Dayen notes that Congressional Progressive Caucus’ Budget for All Deserves as Much Scrutiny as Paul Ryan’s Budget – As long as the news media devotes massive amounts of space to a fantasy budget, why can’t they turn their attention for just a minute to a more legitimate one? Sure, the Congressional Progressive […]

Most absurd use of "Most"

(Dan here…Lifted from Robert’s Stochastic Thoughts.  Just a comment.) by Robert Waldmann Most absurd use of “Most” Two of the bees in my bonnet are the Headline writer(s) and the abuse of the word “most.” In a bit of a shift*, I complain about the headline:  “Most Americans Oppose Health Law, Poll Finds” […]

Health Care Thoughts: How Old is Too Old

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: How Old is Too Old Former VP Dick Cheney had a heart transplant according to several news sources today. I will refrain from making “he never head a heart before jokes.” Serious question though – Cheney is 71, how old is too old to receive a heart […]

Senate Dems unveil their tax cut proposal

by Linda Beale Senate Dems unveil their tax cut proposal Senate Democrats, led by majority leader Harry Reid, unveiled a $26 billion tax-cut bill on March 26, 2012. See, e.g., Richard Rubin, Senate Democrats Said to Prepare $26 Billion Tax Cut Measure, San Francisco Chronicle (Mar. 26, 2012). The proposal revives the lapsed 100% expensing […]