Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Guest Post: The Budget is Not an Appropriate Place to Try and Solve All the Country’s Problems

Tzimiskes  offers some thoughts on the budget process (hat tip Run75441, and re-posted with author’s permission) Tzimiskes has been blogging for more than 3 years on economics, politics, and public policy. He holds a Masters of Political Science from SUNY Albany, and worked in New York State government for four years before returning to the […]

Austerity and Budgets explained

In support of Beverly’s latest post and all her past postings wanting for Obama (or the Dem’s in general I would say) to explain the truth about how a government’s money really flows, I present this video from the Watson Institute. (via Didby at Hullaaloo.)  I happen to agree, it would be nice if our […]

Congressional Progressive Caucus’ Budget for All Deserves as Much Scrutiny as Paul Ryan’s Budget

Firedoglake author David Dayen notes that Congressional Progressive Caucus’ Budget for All Deserves as Much Scrutiny as Paul Ryan’s Budget – As long as the news media devotes massive amounts of space to a fantasy budget, why can’t they turn their attention for just a minute to a more legitimate one? Sure, the Congressional Progressive […]