Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

They Also Serve Who Only Stand and Graph: A Graphical Response to Paul Krugman on the Effect QE1 and QE2

by Mike Kimel They Also Serve Who Only Stand and Graph: A Graphical Response to Paul Krugman on the Effect QE1 and QE2 I’ve taken a lot of flak for critiquing two posts by Paul Krugman in two posts of my own (the second one is here). To summarize the point where people keep telling […]

Guest post: Greg Mankiw doesn’t understand competitio​n for investment

by Kenneth Thomas of Middle Class Political Economy Greg Mankiw doesn’t understand competitio​n for investment Greg Mankiw’s column in Sunday’s New York Times makes the case that competition between governments is a good thing, that it makes them more efficient in the same way that competition among firms does. He paints it as also being […]

Cool graphs

The Atlantic and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities via Taxprofblog have cool graphs people ought to cut and paste to carry with them for discussions on taxes, income, income distribution, and political commentary.

Buffett Rule rejected by Senate

by Linda Beale Buffett Rule rejected by Senate The Senate rejected the effort to make tax policy commensurate with the slogans about American values that we parrot freely–opportunity, paying fair shares, etc. Given the now rigid “phantom” filibuster rule requiring a supermajority to pass anything in the Senate, the Republicans –especially if joined by a […]

Mike Kimel at Angry Bear has several nice posts on the "Laffer Curve"

by Kenneth Thomas(reposted from Middle Class Economist)  Mike Kimel at Angry Bear has several nice posts on the “Laffer Curve” that underlies much of conservative economic orthodoxy in this country. As you may know, Art Laffer famously claimed that at tax rates of 0 and 100%, you would get zero tax revenue, and that in […]

Estimated returns from the MLR (administrative costs to medical costs)

Bruce Webb on Angry Bear was among the first of bloggers to point out that this aspect of the Medical Loss Ratio begins in 2009 and  here and points again to the MLR as it comes into play. A non-profit group estimates if the Affordable Care Act provisions had been effect in 2010, U.S consumers would […]