Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Populist rehetoric for the election campaign

Via The Dailey Beast is a link to Lehman Brother’s e-mails and documents and an unanswered question for investors and the public With the Occupy protesters resuming battle stations, and Mitt Romney in place as the presumptive Republican nominee, President Obama has begun to fashion his campaign as a crusade for the 99 percent–a fight […]

SEC Disagrees with Supreme Court’s Anti-U.S. Investor Morrison Decision

by Jeff McCord SEC Disagrees with Supreme Court’s Anti-U.S. Investor Morrison Decision and Favors Clearly Defined Private Right of Action against Foreign Wrongdoers, rather than Abolition of U.S. Investors’ Legal Rights, SEC Staff Study Asserts May 9, 2012 The U.S. Solicitor General and the US Securities and Exchange Commission recommended the Supreme Court continue to […]

No jobs for college grads

No jobs for college grads.  A report from the Economic Policy Institute shows that recent college graduates who will be eligible to cast their first votes in a presidential election are unable to find jobs. According to the report, unemployment for young college graduates was 10.4% in 2010, and the underemployment rate was 19.8%. For young […]

Summers says taxes must increase

by Linda Beale Summers says taxes must increase  For once, I find myself agreeing with Larry Summers. At a conference in Washington sponsored by the Brookings Institute, he emphasized that tax cuts and spending cuts cannot appropriately resolve the US budgetary issues. “It is a near certainty that we are going to need a significant […]

Paul Krugman speaks Monday night…

From the Boston Globe comes this interview with Paul Krugman on what he does in between writing and speaking. Just for fun. From the bully pulpit of his New York Times column, Paul Krugman has been explaining why numbers matters since 1999. The unabashed liberal took the Bush administration to task, but he hasn’t exactly […]

Tax Foundation–up to its usual nonsense

by Linda Beale Tax Foundation–up to its usual nonsense The Tax Foundation claims to be a nonpartisan institute interested merely in researching and informing people about taxes. That’s far from the truth, however. Its work is aimed at one purpose–convincing Americans that they pay too much in taxes and that government is too big. One […]

Leonard says GOP Is intent on sabotage

by Linda Beale Leonard says GOP Is intent on sabotage  Andrew Leonard of Salon writes often about tax and economic issues. In Friday’s column, he addressed the increasingly obstructionist tactics employed by far-right representative Paul Ryan and a coterie of other GOP representatives who are willing to sacrifice core systems in order to keep the […]