Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

AARP vs. Social Security?

by Dale Coberly AARP vs. Social Security? Last week Huffington Post reported that AARP was embarking on a “Social Security and Medicare “listening tour” called “You’ve Earned a Say and We’re Listening.” Through “town halls, community conversations, bus tours and other events,” the influential organization promises to offer members a chance to speak out on […]

Housing Bubbles: Less Frothy but Europe is Behind

by Rebecca Wilder Housing Bubbles: Less Frothy but Europe is Behind Wolfgang Muenchau’s article in the Financial Times, There is no Spanish siesta for the Eurozone, inspired me to update my post on housing bubbles around the world (really just Europe and the US). He argues that Spain’s bubble was much more extreme, and that […]

Still haven’t filed your FBAR? Don’t wait till you get hit with forfeiture

by Linda Beale Still haven’t filed your FBAR? Don’t wait till you get hit with forfeiture like this Alaska Plastic Surgeon It looks like the leads from the various voluntary disclosures are beginning to pay off, as the U.S. is beginning to develop high stakes cases related to Americans who have tried to maintain secret […]

More on Greg Mankiw’s weak arguments for the Bain capital gains preference

by Linda Beale More on Greg Mankiw’s weak arguments for the Bain capital gains preference A few days ago, I commented on the weak arguments Greg Mankiw had put forth in his op-ed to support the preferential treatment of compensation for private equity and real estate partnership “profits” partners. He points out the categorization problem–that […]

Learning from campaigns, writing on issues

George Lakoff offers a clear opinion on an important aspect of how people learn from election and media presentations. There are a lot of examples of reporting and the concept is clear enough.   However, it is an entirely different proposition when applied to real life in posts or comments…for instance, how posts are written, for what audience, […]

Fiduciary duty and self-interest

Lifted from comments from Linda Beale’s post Graphs Show It Clearly–the richest are much richer and most of us are poorer discussing the main points and data from David Cay Johnston’s Reuters article The richest get richer is Bruce Webb’s thinking on how the American market system was designed over time:Defenders of Goldman who base […]

Health Care Thoughts: Another Major Event

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Another Major Event On the 23rd the Obama administration will publish the administrative regulations for Medicaid expansion. As reported by Modern Healthcare, eligibility will be simplified to an income test as a percentage of the federal poverty level. This may expand Medicaid by as many as […]

Graphs Show It Clearly–the richest are much richer and most of us are poorer

by Linda Beale Graphs Show It Clearly–the richest are much richer and most of us are poorer David Cay Johnston has employed a couple of key graphic images that tell a significant story about the way that US laws have favored the rich–including tax administrative procedures that have reduced real audits of the rich and […]