Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

by Mike Kimel I haven’t written anything about Greece, largely because I’ve never been there, haven’t looked at Greek data, and otherwise until now have had no reason to think I have something useful to say about it. But reading this Tyler Cowen post, I realized that perhaps I have an insight to share because […]

Rick Santorum’s tax policies and more–imposing his moralizing choices on all

by Linda Beale Rick Santorum’s tax policies and more–imposing his moralizing choices on all Rick Santorum is a man who seems to hold sincerely held religious beliefs. The problem is that he thinks everybody that matters holds (or should hold) the same beliefs that he does, or at least should be forced to live in […]

American Enterprise Institute’s Arthur Brooks on budgets and taxes

by Linda Beale American Enterprise Institute’s Arthur Brooks on budgets and taxes Arthur Brooks of the American Heritage Institute had an op-ed in Friday’s Wall Street Journal, “Obama’s Budget Flunks the Marshmallow Test” (Feb. 24, 2012), at A13, in which he claimed that “unfunded entitlements to the middle class, runaway deficits to be repaid in […]

Obama proposes to exempt some IRS spending on enforcement from budget cap

by Linda Beale Obama proposes to exempt some IRS spending on enforcement from budget cap The 2011 debt ceiling compromise, known as the Budget Control Act, establishes automatic cuts in spending for various categories if no further deal is reached to overturn them. In many ways, it might be ideal to allow the Budget Control […]

Health Care Thoughts: Research on Defensive Medicine (Part 1)

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health  Care Thoughts: Research on Defensive Medicine (Part 1) (Background – I have been an executive in two orthopaedic centers, and write and lecture for orthopaedic practice executives.) A Vanderbilt research survey of orthopaedic surgeons indicate that 24% of diagnostic testing is “defensive medicine.” This does not surprise me, as […]

All of the Euro Area Usual Competitive Suspects in One Chart…But with a Twist

by Rebecca Wilder All of the Euro Area Usual Competitive Suspects in One Chart…But with a Twist The European Commission’s Economic and Financial Affairs initiated the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) Scoreboard. The MIP Scorecard will be used to identify emerging or persistent macroeconomic imbalances in a country. In their inaugural release, the EC listed 12 […]

GOP candidates’ policies would raise federal debt by whopping trillions

by Linda Beale GOP candidates’ policies would raise federal debt by whopping trillions The GOP likes to pretend to take the high road, proclaiming itself to be against increasing the federal debt, running big deficits, or otherwise not running our government like a person runs their household. Pundits on the right tend to look at […]

Romney’s association with corporate tax shelter schemes

By Linda Beale Romney’s association with corporate tax shelter schemes Bloomberg’s Jesse Drucker has been doing some research into presidential candidate Mitt Romney and come up with some interesting information–at least for those of us who find corporate involvement in aggressive tax shelter phantom loss generating schemes a worrisome problem. See Drucker, Romney as Audit […]