Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The relation between high college tuition and low state funding of higher ed: the right’s austerity agenda

by Linda Beale The relation between high college tuition and low state funding of higher ed: the right’s austerity agenda  As certainly everyone should be aware by now (after almost 20 Republican candidate debates and months of negative campaign ads), the GOP candidates all think that we need to prescribe an austerity budget for state […]

Even critics of the safety net…

This article in the New York Times (Even critics of the Safety Net) presents a gentle desription of some voter feelings about the political and economic ‘issues’ of this economy and election. I have a lot of different feelings about the description of people interviewed. The current media surrounding the election campaigning does not allow […]

Does economic blogging matter?? Part one

Angry Bear was started by its namesake in the latter part of 2003, and continued publishing through the editorial efforts of Mike Kimel and Dan Crawford over the last six years (see About page).  Mark Thoma at Economist View approaches the role of econblogs through pointing to the disconnect between academics and public use of the […]

Euro Area Portfolio Flows

by Rebecca Wilder Euro Area Portfolio Flows Today the ECB released the Euro area balance of payments for December. This is a statistical release that is worthy of only the biggest data geeks – but it is quite interesting, especially in forming relationships between FX and capital flows. I’ll demonstrate what’s been going on in […]

Health Care: Supply Chain Meltdowns

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care: Supply Chain Meltdowns First: Counterfeit vials of the cancer drug Avastin have been found in three states. The vials, sold directly to physician offices, lack the active ingredients to make the drug effective. Somewhat luckily, the packaging was so sloppy the vials were spotted, although some of the […]

Santorum’s Tax Returns Out

by Linda BealeSantorum’s Tax Returns Out News Sources report Santorum has released tax returns. I’m on my way to San Diego for the ABA Tax Section meeting, so haven’t had a chance to peruse. But a tax rate of around 25-27% for 2007-2010 on income ranging from $659,000 in 2007 to more than a million […]

Big government has various definitions, actually…

Peter Dorman at Econospeak reminds us of what is not discussed in this election cycle, the big government types taking more control. I would be much more bi-partisam than Peter. We also have the example of Virginia and their mandatory ‘transvaginal’ sonograms being inserted into the conversation. Except Texas beat them to it. And we […]

Attacking Iran

Glen Greenwald at Salon takes aim at the media coverage concerning our relationship with Iran and the barrage of coverage having little to do with real assessments. Lots of links.  But this Family Guy segment sums it up for me…  Any links to some real discussiom from readers??