Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Alexander Vindman: America’s Laocoön?

In her book “The March of Folly,” Barbara Tuchman uses the myth of Laocoön as her first example of folly. The Trojans ignored Laocoön’s warning not to admit the Trojan horse. That didn’t end well for the Trojans. Ignoring Laocoön was folly. In his recent substack essay, The Coming Alliance Between Billionaires, Tech Giants, and […]

Another Argument Favoring an Electric Vehicle Over a Gasoline Vehicle

It is difficult to argue against an electric vehicle when the efficiency is far greater. The only argument one could make presently is the sunk cost of your scrapping out your gasoline powered vehicle. There is no gain there and also no penalty if you keep it. The penalty of keeping it will come eventually. […]

Immigration or invasion?

Russ Vought is a Trump loyalist who believes we live in a “post-Constitutional” nation: ““We are living in a post-Constitutional time,” Vought wrote in a seminal 2022 essay, which argued that the left has corrupted the nation’s laws and institutions. Last week, after a jury convicted Trump of falsifying business records, Vought tweeted: “Do not […]

Energy Required (measured in equivalent of Gal of gas) Needed to manufacture a new car

I have been looking around to see if I can find some commentaries addressing whether it make sense to swap out an efficient gasoline powered vehicle for an EV. There are not many of commentaries out on the internet. This is one of several I found and it speaks in terms of energy provided by […]

New Deal democrats Weekly Indicators for June 3 – 7 2024

 – by New Deal democrat My “Weekly Indicators” post is up at Seeking Alpha.  The stock market was conflicted by yesterday’s jobs report, but the bond market’s verdict was unequivocal: ignore the unemployment rate; it was a strong report which will stay the Fed’s hand from raising rates.  Meanwhile, coincident economic data in particular continues to […]

Another Clarence Thomas faux pas

Taken from the “SCOTUS Blog” and originally published at “Howe on the Court.” Usually if I am going to read about SCOTUS, I go to the SCOTUS Blog. There I find up to date information about what it is doing and what is left for it to decide upon. In 2024, there are some important […]