Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Funny or Scary? Via Ampersand, this link to a collection of safety posters and instructions from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with new and improved captions explaining what they mean. They are hilarious. After about the fifth, I thought they were real pictures, actually used by the DHS. By about the tenth, I was […]

From Bold to Audacious You may recall not so long ago when everything President Bush did or proposed doing was “bold”. As in “the President’s tax package may severely damage the economy and wreak havoc on the poor, but it is a very bold plan”. Apparently, the new word is “audacious”, as in “In a […]

Fed Leaves Interest Rate Unchanged Central bank policy-makers unanimously agreed to leave their target for the federal funds rate, an overnight bank lending rate, unchanged at 1.25 percent, the lowest level since 1961, but said they could not decide whether the economy’s risks were tilted towards weakness or inflation. This means they basically think the […]

More on Robin Cook For those interested, the BBC’s has a page devoted to Cook’s resignation, which includes a link to video of the speech. There’s also an editorial here. The article describes Mr. Cook as receiving an “unprecedented standing ovation in the House of Commons” (the BBC’s political analyst explained that “MPs applauding one […]

A bit extreme, but this is pretty funny (via TBogg). AB

This Should be Worth Watching Robin Cook, Jack Straw’s predecessor as Foreign Secretary and currently leader of the Commons resigned in protest over the impending war today. And he’s scheduled to give a speech, probably around 3:00 Eastern, after Jack Straw’s speech. It’s not on CSPAN’s web page and I’d be surprised but not shocked […]

This Seems Worth Passing Along Dear bloggers, webmasters, journalists, yada, yada, It seems that we’re now on the eve of war, with Bush’s final ultimatum, the White House saying that “diplomacy [sic] has ended”, Robin Cook’s resignation in Britain, and the announcement that there will be no additional U.N. Security Council vote.NOW is the time […]

NYT Story Worth Reading This is a pretty good piece on the travails of U.S. and world diplomacy heading into the now impending war. AB

Slow Post Day But I did finally watch Friday’s Real Time with Bill Maher. Once again, it was very good. I’ve read a few posts here and there about how bad Dennis Miller–who I once enjoyed watching–has become, but I didn’t realize he had sunk so low. He clearly spent some time preparing 5 to […]

I Laughed out Loud Read This. Make sure you get to Roger’s last line. AB