Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

London Dispatch For the most part it seems like business as usual in London, with scattered sightings of protesters here and there, and some anti-war signs on buses. Upon arriving in Picadilly Square, I did see a group of people with “Shag Iraq” T-shirts–which could really be either a pro or anti-war message…in this case, […]

Angry Bear on Vacation I’ll be out of the country, in the UK and France Freedom, on a personal vacation that was booked some time ago and is completely unrelated to anything geopolitical in nature. I do hope to post perhaps on alternate days or perhaps every third day. Hopefully, I’ll get some interesting European […]

Roundup Ampersand has an excerpt worth reading from a letter Rachel Corrie wrote to her parents, shortly before her death. (Regardless of which side you take on Israel/Palestine, there is unarguably much suffering in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; Rachel Corrie first gave up comfort and then her life to do what she thought […]

Nobody likes us, but there’s some optimism on Iraq This Pew Report, America’s Image Further Erodes, Europeans Want Weaker Ties…But Post-War Iraq Will Be Better Off, Most Say, is worth reading. Here’s a good graph, but there’s a lot more there. Another interesting quote from the report: “More than seven-in-ten of the French (73%) and […]

War has begun Let us all hope for the best: a speedy resolution with minimal loss of life on all sides.

Angrier Bear Not so long ago, I echoed CalPundit’s sentiment that “… the Standard really a more interesting, more unpredictable, and basically more honest conservative magazine than National Review?”. Well all it takes is the impending start of war for the Standard to go off the deep end. Here’s a typical hyperbolic quip by the […]

New Feature If you look to your left, you will see a new “topics” section. Whenever I post a multi-part series on a particular topic (these will generally be economic topics), permanent links will be collected there, so that you can easily find the relevant posts, should you be so inclined. AB

Make Sure to CC John Ashcroft Missing Bill of Rights copy recovered (after having been missing for 138 years). More seriously, this is a subject on which I can actually agree with Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit): …because it’s pretty obvious that, barring a miracle of some sort, we’ll be at war shortly. And my next advice […]

Budget Deficits The OMB (the White House agency with responsibility for the budget) pegged the upcoming budget deficit at $300b–this is basically a direct projection based on the fact that the deficit for the first four months of fiscal year 2003 was $98b (so 12 months should be just under $300b). This of course does […]