Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Permalinks FUBAR The permalinks seem to go down a lot, so that if you follow a link here from another site, you don’t go to the right place. The solution seems to be to republish the archives after every post, but that’s a hassle. Anyone have any tips? AB

More on Taxes Matt Yglesias found the NYT article before I did. As he points out, the article basically says that under any model, whether traditional or “dynamically scored”, the result of the Bush Economic plan is bad for the economy. Conservatives renamed “Creationism” as “Intelligent Design”. What is “Dynamic Scoring”? It’s just the new […]

Lock-In and Number Portability What’s the big deal with number portability? Firms create ways to lock consumers in to their products all the time–loyalty programs such as frequent flyer miles are a common example. In the case of cell phones there are two or three sources of lock-in. The first is the physical phone itself: […]

See CalPundit My last post on the Tax Cuts is getting (for this site) a fair amound of discussion. Kevin Drum uses an inane Weekly Standard piece to frame his discussion of Republicans, taxes, and income inequality. And, Kevin includes a must-see graph that you should print out and keep in your pocket for future […]

More on this Soon In an ongoing effort to make me angry, the cellular providers are once again trying to stop phone number portability. AB

More Tax Cuts Some say that repeatedly doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome each time is the height of folly. Apparently, when it comes to the economy, the administration wants to do just this. If the first tax cut did nothing for the economy, then the solution must be…more tax cuts! And […]

Angry Bear Milestone I noticed that I am getting some traffic from the (the website for those with political orientations somewhere between Andrew Sullivan and the John Birch Society). That’s right, I got my first complaints about me and my blog in Free Republic posts. But hey, any publicity is good publicity. Here’s the […]

Not to Make Light of a Serious Incident I wonder if the authors of the smoking study in Helena, Montana factored in this hidden cost of the smoking ban–more fights. Googling around, I still can’t find much in the way of news stories about researchers questioning the findings of the study, which is odd since […]

Tapper on Civil Liberties Earlier, regarding civil liberties, I said “Also on the hopeful side, there is the fact that civil rights, when and only when it comes to non- intrusive government, is probably the only common ground between most of the left and much of the right. Picture the ACLU and the NRA working […]

More on Protests Still wondering what protesters will do this weekend. I think that, both to maintain consistency and for the good of the Iraqi people, the slogan of peace protesters should change to “US stay in Iraq”. For that matter, this should be the slogan of most people. In Afghanistan, we basically (1) overthrew […]