Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Thinking About 2004? Bush’s advisors are. Here are some highlights: “…Bush’s advisers have drafted a re-election strategy built around staging the latest nominating convention in the party’s history, allowing Mr. Bush to begin his formal campaign near the third anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks” [remember the use of photos of Bush from Air Force […]

Still Busy With the real job, so posting remains light. In the meantime, reading Mac Diva’s blog, I came across another new blog worth a look. While some may find it extreme or a little offensive, it is really funny: J.C. Christian’s blog. I’d call it a lefty’s attempt to blog like a Freeper would. […]

The Daily Show I’ve been meaning for some time to do a post about how sad it is that the most cutting analysis of politics, at least on TV, is on The Daily Show (Comedy Central), not Fox, MSNBC, or CNN. Alas, the Nation beat me to it. It’s worth watching, particularly the first ten […]

State Governments Saving Money Flush with tobacco settlement cash, going on eight years of a rapidly growing economy, and in many cases with newly elected Republican governors, many states slashed taxes around 2000. The crisis is probably worst in California (Democrat), but Texas (R) and New York (R) are not doing much better. Missouri has […]

Note to State Governments Flush with tobacco settlement cash, going on eight years of a rapidly growing economy, and in many cases with newly elected Republican governors, many states slashed taxes around 2000. The crisis is probably worst in California (Democrat), but Texas (R) and New York (R) are not doing much better. Missouri has […]

Just because he’s cranky and once had a tree fall on him doesn’t mean he’s wrong It’s Friday afternoon, which means it’s the time the weekly What’s New updates from Professor Robert Park, of the University of Maryland and the American Physical Society (you can subscribe to his free and entertaining weekly newsletter at the […]

While I’m in a Linking Mood Read this CalPundit piece, where he talks about the lack of WMD discoveries in Iraq. Reasonable people might be tempted to say that it’s a big country and these things take time. Kevin sagely points out that pre-war we said we knew they had WMD, which should imply that […]

See Digby He’s got a great post on the merits of General Clark on either position in the 2004 Democratic presidential ticket. Here’s an excerpt, but read the whole thing: I believe that the best person to make the argument that Democrats are Americans too is someone who defies the phony liberal stereotype manufactured by […]

Bechtel So the NYT has a story on Bechtel winning the first major contract for construction in Iraq. Here’s one paragraph, in it’s entirety: Administration officials said it was important to give contracts to American corporations, essentially leapfrogging over international groups, as a way to demonstrate to the Iraqi people that the United States is […]

If you look to your left You’ll see that Instapundit is out now (his role and handling of the latest Lott affair knocked significant points off my impression of him as smart and witty if somewhat misguided), while Mac Diva is in. AB