Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Counterterrorism blog

One opinion on the Protect America Act offers a viewpoint that caught my eye. On the other hand, there were lots of opinions about this in posts. While I agree with my colleagues, Dennis Lormel and Jeffrey Breinholt, that renewal of the Protect America Act should be considered by Congress as urgent and serious business, […]

Obama and CNN : Alert to?

Politico carries this observation about CNN: CNN’s question: Obama’s patriotism I’ve got to say, I’ve never seen a reader poll like this on a mainstream media website (or, to be honest, a right-wing blog). This is currently on And just today (in a very interesting exchange with the Cleveland Jewish community) Obama was touting […]

Mike sends a response to rdan on off-label drugs

It is evident that this will lead to less pressure on the Drug Companies to get their drugs approved by the FDA. I would suggest that we consider letting the market help. i.e. 1) If a drug is prescribed off-label, then the patient be permitted to return it to the drug store for a full […]

Off label drug pushers

FDA doesn’t just approve drugs, it approves drugs for specific uses. However, doctors can prescribe drugs for unapproved, or “off-label,” uses. Under a law that expired in 2006, pharmaceutical reps were legally able to distribute journal articles touting the benefits of off-label uses. But, according to the Associated Press, FDA maintained some regulatory oversight: “Under […]

Job openings for the progressive minded

I was cruising around The Center for American Progress. They have a nice report looking at credit card use rise and a rise in writing off the bad ones. Any way, I like to click on the Job Opportunities at these sites just to see. Sometimes I think it might be fun to work with […]

Guantanamo and defense

This AP article on Thursday 21 February 2008 reports the following: San Juan, Puerto Rico – In a stunning turnaround, the former chief military prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay said Thursday he would be a defense witness for the driver of Osama bin Laden. Air Force Col. Morris Davis, who resigned in October over alleged political […]

Free trade, Republican’s no like (along with others)

From a poll by the WSJ/NBC reported in October, 2007 comes: While 60% of respondents said they want the next president and Congress to continue cutting taxes, 32% said it’s time for some tax increases on the wealthiest Americans to reduce the budget deficit and pay for health care.Can you imagine? They have started to […]

Quick and nimble government

Department of Commerce Changes Decision-The DOC has today announced that it will, afterall, continue with its Economic indicators service due to public response to its recent announcement of closure.

Tic Tac Toe, Supreme Court style

Bribes, payola, favor of the physical kind? Forget-about it. Just put the right person in the appropriate agency, preferably a person from the line of business the agency is to regulate. But, for extra insurance over the long haul, with a little luck of timing you get to fix the legal issue almost permanently: supreme […]

Angry Bear has a new look and RSS feed has been restored

If you have been missing updates from Angry Bear, we apologize for the inconvenience. In the process of recently re-designing the look of the blog, the feed was inadvertently disabled due to a minor flaw in the html. An updated description about how Angry Bear has developed can be found through the link ‘About Angry […]