Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

"A Man With a Briefcase Can Steal More Money than any Man with a Gun"

Ken Houghton I would prefer not to talk about AIG, especially since we already have two posts on it today: Robert brilliantly puts it into context, while DOLB goes for blood. But the Gorgeous, Brilliant, and Talented BessNormally-not-this-astute-or-succinct Equity Private posted the perfect summary. And Floyd Norris is on fire as to why this move, […]

In Which I Say Something Nice about Lawrence Summers

Ken Houghton Via Brad DeLong, we find Sheryl Sandberg trying to rehabilitate Lawrence Summers’s professional reputation with respect to women. She opens with: Larry has been a true advocate for women throughout his career. In 1992, as Chief Economist of the World Bank, Larry argued in front of the world’s Finance Ministers that the highest […]

The Unemployment Rate Under Reagan VS FDR

By Spencer There is a lot of comentary going on around about the depression and I thought I would put my two cents in. First, I would just like to point out that the depression consisted of two distinct recessions, 1929-33 and 1937-38 separated by a full scale economic recovery from 1933 to 1937. It […]

Shopping for Regulators

by Robert WaldmannJeff Girth asks “Was AIG Watchdog Not Up To The Job?” Short answer — no.Slightly longer answer — that depends, do you think their job was to regulate or to make sure that no one else regulated ? They seemed to think it was the second and managed. In 1999, Congress passed legislation […]

FYI: AIG’s new money deal

mmckinl mentioned the new AIG deal. Naked Capitalism has a post by Yves Smith regarding the new and improved AIG plan titled: The looting continues (Bannana republic watch). It reviews a WSJ article and notes that AIG is getting a rate cut (5.5 point reduction) with more money for a longer term (5 years instead […]

What is the economy for? Trade and trade policy are the driving factors in this economic fiasco?

by rdan There will be an upcoming series on “What our economy is supposed to do for us” as part of the question of describing our economy. The public discussion appears to be minimized to date for the majority. Another series has started debating the predominant role of trade and trade policy in the current […]

Healthcare – the American System at its Finest

by cactus Healthcare – the American System at its Finest I get back pain every so often. To keep it at bay, I do sit-ups every day, and try to keep my weight down. I also do back and stomach exercises at the gym. But every so often, its not enough and I end up […]

What do we want our economy to do? Misuse of GDP

by Divorced one like Bush(successfully I might add) I had the following quotes sitting around for awhile. Like May of 07. Being that we have a “crisis” with our economy (I have a hard time with the word crisis being used, it implies suddenness, unseen), a new governing philosophy in place and we really, really, […]

China and Christmas

by rdan Hat tip Balanced Scorecard reader CCZ for this post at his/her website with this link to Telegraph in the UK. The workers of Dongguan are used to Christmas coming early. Summer and autumn are normally the busiest months for those who toil seven days a week in the toy factories in this city […]

Cost comparison for an OEM in US and China

by rdan The handyman in me got to thinking as we discuss trade policy and issues. Drills made a good start, in that a way into a man’s heart is a good drill, and something to relate to not so complex as a car. …may actually cost you to move manufacturing of a product overseas. […]