Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Krugman and Waldmann

Paul Krugman picks up on Angry Bear Robert Waldmann’s post  “Why Does Fiscal Stimulus Work? ” discussing John Cochrane’s ideas on Keynesians. So some props to John Cochrane for at least trying to catch up. Unfortunately, he’s still working from the baseline assumption that people like me (and Mike Woodford, whom he really should be reading) must […]


by Dale Coberly PERNICIOUS IGNORANCE ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY A REPLY TO KRASTING Bruce Krasting in comments to Bruce’s post on Social Security made a number of claims that deserve a fuller answer than I was able to give in comments.  Below in quotes are Krasting’s claims followed by my replies.  I hope I am reasonably […]

Health Insurance Plan Comparison Calculator. Plus…Hamlet!

Gentle Readers: Sorry to be incommunicado for so long. I’ve been working hard on a couple of projects. I built a spreadsheet for myself a few years ago to compare health-insurance plans — cost versus financial exposure/protection. I just built it out into a web app that others can use, and I’ve posted it here. […]

A Short Economic Explanation of Nearly Everything

Simple explanations are always suspect. So do with this what you will. It’s my basic framework for thinking about how economies work. It of course doesn’t explain everything; the headline here is tongue-in-cheek. But I find it very useful in thinking about everything else. This thinking clashes quite definitively with traditional economic teachings. But it […]

Labor Power and Economic Growth

Lane Kenworthy has done some of the best work on this subject. Read all his stuff. One great piece, on determinants of growth: Institutions, wealth, and inequality Only one institutional factor is strongly supported as a determinant of growth in prosperous countries, according to Lane’s really excellent statistical work: “corporatist concertation.” Corporatist concertation is not […]

Secular Stagnation: A Three-Decade Overcorrection

Larry Summers’ recent speech (and Paul Krugman’s paean to it) have brought the issue of secular, decades-long stagnation to the front of the econoblogosphere agenda. Tyler Cowen, of course, made it prominent some time ago. But he posited a tech cause: we’ve picked the low-hanging innovation fruit. Summers, Krugman, et. al. suggest that policies and […]

Social Security: the Shape of Solvency

Well lets try again (two hours of draft having just disappeared)/ The above figure is II.D6 from the 2011 Social Security Report. The reasons why I didn’t use the 2013 version will become clear later, short version is it doesn’t show ‘The Shape of Solvency’ while the longer version is, well, long. This figure shows […]

Update to potential GDP and effective demand

The 3rd quarter labor share number came out yesterday. I was expecting 96 to 96.4. The number is 96. Here is the update for effective demand and potential GDP. Potential GDP (center of the business cycle) is still cruising right on the lower trend line. Stable and consistent. It has actually decreased some. Effective demand […]