Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Assessing the constitutionality of modern-day gun restrictions using “historical analogues”

Both of these articles by Mark Stern are good reads. He gets the point across without using the typical legalese in explaining his stance. It is interesting, how Judge Reeves places the responsibility right back in SCOTUS and Thomas’s lap. In other words, they have to decide how to work through the history quagmire created […]

A Bit of History on the “Right to Vote”

This seems appropriate three days before an important election. Are we going to take back our right and not allow a minority to force their will upon a nation. Denying women, the right to decide was just one step in the process. I think we will take that right back. Professor Heather Cox – Richardson […]

Africa, a biography

Just finished “Africa, A Biography of a Continent”” by John Reader. I don’t recall how this book came into my possession. It may have been on my mom’s bookshelf when we stopped by after they moved to take whatever we wanted. Whatever its provenance, I had only read a little African history: “King Leopold’s Ghost” […]

Mainstream Media Is Obsessed With Inflation

Commentary by Left Jabber @ “Left Jabs.” I had the fortune to run across this commentary at Mike’s Blog Roundup as presented by DriftGlass. Left Jabber is taking a different approach than I did in my earlier post. He is saying the same thing about Biden’s fiscal policy the last two years, It made for […]

What News Was in My In-Box, November 2, 2022

A lot of good and assorted News topics to be read. I did not include any about the upcoming election. I did include one on polling. The same as 2020, I believe the polling results are tainted. We are not getting a clear picture from polling or news reporting. That is just one of 30-something […]

Letters from an American – October 29, 2022

“October 29, 2022“, Letters from an American, Prof. Heather Cox Richardson, (substack). “Democrats Aren’t Moving Left. They’re Returning to Their Roots.” The Democrats have been leftists for a long time, It took a while before they would come out as supporting Black America to the same level as White America. The column gives an accurate […]

21st century delights

I bought a bottle of Belgian beer here in Rome. The guy behind the counter guessed I was from the USA (might have been my Joementum t-shirt) and said something which I now understand was “want a glass”. I said huh and he said “hai bisogna di un bichiere” so I said no. On my […]

What News Was in My In-Box, October 26, 2022

Quite a few varying articles in healthcare and other topics this week. Pfizer is hoping to make a killing on it mRNA vaccine, shots are approved for 6 months to five-years of age, Medicare Advantage plans, and Novartis is back again with a cancer drug. A COA has blocked student loan relief, lots of talk […]

If GOP Wins Either House Of Congress, Dems Must Kill the Debt Ceiling

If GOP Wins Either House Of Congress, Dems Must Kill Debt Ceiling  If it comes to pass and especially if the GOP takes both houses, presumably Democrats will be able to kill the debt ceiling in the lame duck session. This assumes Manchin and Sinema stick with them on it, which one of them might […]