Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Tax Rates v. Real GDP Growth Rates, a Scatter Plot

by Mike Kimel Tax Rates v. Real GDP Growth Rates, a Scatter PlotCross posted at the Presimetrics blog. This post was submitted by Kaleberg. In this post, I will look at the relationship between top marginal income tax rates and real GDP growth using a scatter plot. I am inordinately fond of scatter plots. The […]

How Tax Rates Affect Investment and Consumption – A Look at the Data

by Mike Kimel How Tax Rates Affect Investment and Consumption – A Look at the DataCross posted at the Presimetrics blog This post looks at how changes in the top marginal tax rates affect peoples’ decisions on how much to consume and invest. Ask a libertarian or conservative economist and the answer is obvious – […]

Health Care: The House’s Vote to Repeal

by Linda BealeHealth Care: The House’s Vote to Repealcrossposted with Ataxingmatter Well, they’ve done it. The House Republican majority pressed ahead with their repeal of health care reform, putting us (if their bill were to become law) right back in the mess of spiralling health care costs, tens of millions of uninsured Americans, and no […]

The 20 Most influential finance blogs

“Most investors would acknowledge that social media is playing an increasing role in their investment decisions,” observes the UK Web site Mindful Money. “Yet no-one has mapped the emerging network of influence likely to be playing a crucial part in those decisions.” Until now.The presentation below provides a fascinating map of financial media influencers. The […]

More on Illinois’ income tax increase –thinking about globalization

by Linda Beale More on Illinois’ income tax increase –thinking about globalizationcrossposted with Ataxingmatter As states continue to face difficult times and vulnerable residents unemployed by the Great Recession come to the end of their ropes with the last of their unemployment support checks (those unemployed for 99 weeks don’t get any more help under […]

The Data Shows that State "Beggar Thy Neighbor" Policies Don’t Work.

by Mike Kimel The Data Shows that State “Beggar Thy Neighbor” Policies Don’t Work.Cross posted at the Presimetrics blog. Many states seem to believe a “beggar thy neighbor” approach to taxes works best. That is, the state with the lowest taxes will “steal” business from other states and produce the fastest economic growth. A lot […]