Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Tax Patents

by Linda Beale Tax Patentscrossposted with Ataxingmatter The Senate Judiciary Committee did a markup of its patent reform legislation (S.23) today (Feb. 3, 2011) and –in a unanimous vote– sent it to the floor of the Senate with the broad ban on the patenting of tax strategies intact. The accounting group AICPA has been leading […]

js-kit commenting system

Readers have noticed and commented on the abrupt change in the commenting format last week. Angry Bear’s discounted subscription to echo pro expired and became echo live, which is geared to a social networking format (links to twitter and facebook and other perks). Echo pro costs $100/month minimum for companies with 1 M pageviews a […]

Grasping for Reality about Labor Market Conditions

Hat tip Mark Thoma for Brad Delong’s catch of the ‘can’t hire workers’ complaint without checking for real reasons or facts: Quote: Grasping for Reality about Labor Market Conditions Fresno is not a microcosm of the US. Brad DeLong explains why “it has never been wise to generalize from the state of Fresno’s labor market […]

Federal District Judge Roger Vinson’s opinion

by Beverly Mann Roger Vinson, Sophism King Federal District Judge Roger Vinson’s opinion issued the other day ruling the Healthcare Act an unconstitutional overreach by Congress is so replete with sophisms that it’s hard pick the most ridiculous of them. But my candidates are: “[W]hat if two of the purported “unique” factors — inevitable participation […]

Snow today and tomorrow

Snow today and tomorrow Reporting in so far from Mass., Rhode Island, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Illinois, on the snow storm surging across a third of the US. No pictures yet. Dan B. says: I’ve had enough. Between plowing my office, the shop, the home and mom’s. Then snow blowing the piles to make room […]

More on the Middle East

The NYT reports today of further developments in the Middle East. Jordan’s Royal Palace says the king has sacked his government in the wake of street protests and has asked an ex-army general to form a new Cabinet. King Abdullah’s move comes after thousands of Jordanians took to the streets — inspired by the regime […]