Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Mandate Up

Mandate Up by The Bell offers some advice to his readers on the mood of the country: Their Promised Approach to Governance Didn’t Work Out So Well for the Last Guys During one of their debates, Nevada Tea Party Senatorial candidate Sharon Angle famously told Majority Leader Harry Reid to “Man up!” meaning he needed […]

Trade policy agreements and capital flows

Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism offers wise words regarding trade policy agreements and capital flows, in addition to pointing us toward a letter signed by several hundreds of economists regarding capital controls and government.: This letter is at odds with a longstanding project of major financial firms: to allow them to move money across borders […]

Two worlds ready or not

Simon Johnson at Baseline Scenario notes that (bolding mine) On the fringes of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos this week, there was plenty of substantive discussion – including about the dangers posed by our “too big to fail”/”too big to save” banks, the consequences of widening inequality (reinforced by persistent unemployment in some […]

A Few Graphs on Real GDP Growth Rates versus Taxes and the Size of Government

by Mike Kimel A Few Graphs on Real GDP Growth Rates versus Taxes and the Size of GovernmentCross posted at the Presimetrics blog. This post has a few simple graphs showing the relationship between the growth in real GDP and a few other variables: the top marginal tax rate, spending by the federal government as […]

Update on conditions in Ireland…another letter from Ireland

The first letter from Ireland is here Update on conditions in Ireland…a second letter from Ireland Ireland, Land of Thieves, Charlatans and Sodomites… Zeus-Boy We’re forced to do silly things out of desperation, things that other nations don’t have to resort to. For instance, we’ve the lowest corporate tax rate in Europe at 12.5%. Sarkozy […]

Dylan Ratigan Town Hall Session on Jobs, Innovation

Hat tip Yves Smith for pointing us to this: 8 PM EST Watch Dylan Ratigan Town Hall Session on Jobs, Innovation Check in here at 8 PM to watch the Dylan Ratigan “Innovation in America” panel discussion as part of its Steel On Wheels Tour tonight at 8pm EST at the University of Denver. The […]

ABA Tax Section Report on the Economic Substance Doctrine

by Linda Beale ABA Tax Section Report on the Economic Substance Doctrinecrossposted with Ataxingmatter The ABA Tax Section put together a large working group to write a report on the newly codified economic substance provision–Download ABA Economic Substance. Comments on Notice 2010-62. The working group was led by several people, including Michael Desmond, who just […]

Children of Tragedy

Run75441 sends a note and this post: The Bell presents a good read at his blog giving a non-partisan perspective of the tragedy in Tucson AZ and how it may affect our future outlook: Children of Tragedy Which Face Will Be Our Face? Pundits and politicians from both sides of the ideological divide were quick […]

Health Care thoughts: The Best Jobs in Health Care

Health Care: The Best Jobs in Health Care Teaching seminars and advising college students headed for various health careers, I am often asked about the ‘best” health care careers. During a seminar many years ago I came up with a top five, and after some thought I think the list is still valid. Draw any […]