Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Wisconsin, fiscal responsibility, and power

From the Capitol Times op-ed (hat tip juan): In fact, like just about every other state in the country, Wisconsin is managing in a weak economy. The difference is that Wisconsin is managing better — or at least it had been managing better until Walker took over. Despite shortfalls in revenue following the economic downturn […]

Where is the Budget Crisis?

Brendan Fischer via PR Watch writes on the budget process in Wisconsin, with links here: Where is the Budget Crisis?. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker alleges that dismantling public sector collective bargaining rights is made necessary by a $3.6 billion deficit in the next budget, and a $137 million shortfall this year. Setting aside the fact […]

The Best of State Tax Expenditure Disclosure:

The Best of State Tax Expenditure Disclosure is worth some comment: While the federal government offers no insight into where an estimated $1 trillion in tax breaks go every year, some states are beginning to provide information about which corporations benefit from local tax spending programs. None of the state websites are perfect, but their […]

Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1) links

The Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1) was introduced Friday night. Information about the bill (copy of the legislation, bill summary, list of program cuts, and the subcommittee savings tables) is linked here: Appropriations Committee Introduces CR Containing Largest Spending Cuts in History February 11, 2011 CR Spending Cuts to Go Deep February 9, 2011 Rogers Announces […]