Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Why are so many pundits conflating U.S. blue-collar voters’ concerns that are similar to their British counterparts’ who voted for Brexit with the separate issue of whether the Brexit vote itself will influence U.S. blue-collar voters’ votes in November? These are completely different issues.

Some of our wisest political observers informed us that Brexit would be great news for Donald Trump, because it shows (somehow) that there may be more support here than expected for his nationalist message of restoring American greatness through restrictionist immigration policies and turning the clock back on globalization. So it’s a bit surprising to […]

A Clinton Blank Check? Or a Sanders Blank Check?

Long-time Republican strategists and campaign consultants privately acknowledge they are so certain of Hillary Clinton’s victory – and so worried about its impact on Senate races and GOP control of the Senate – that they are already considering a controversial tactic that explicitly acknowledges Donald Trump’s defeat. The tactic, used by congressional Republicans two decades […]

Clarence Thomas confirms his belief that the only constitutional right we leave up to federal, state and local prosecutors is the right to keep and bear arms. And that that right is the only one, more generally, that we treat so cavalierly. [His words. Seriously.]

The Supreme Court said Monday that people convicted of domestic abuse can be prevented from owning a gun, in a case that prompted the first questions from Justice Clarence Thomas in 10 years. In a 6-to-2 decision, the court said Congress had intended to keep firearms out of the hands of domestic abusers. The question […]

I really don’t understand what …

… all the fuss about Brexit is about, given that now more people will visit Turnberry, Scotland to golf. Or maybe not. Although that push to repeal Dodd-Frank may save us all from another economic crisis! ____ Okay, seriously, I think that contrary to the immediate CW, Brexit will actually hurt Trump, not help him. This […]


I was about to write a post about a Supreme Court opinion issued today, but made the mistake of checking my emails first–and saw this: Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society of the United States <> Today at 2:08 PM To Beverly Mann Message body Hi Beverly, you have a chance to see this message from Tuesday? The cruelty […]


McCain answered the question about the gun debate by citing Obama’s culpability for the attack through his foreign policy: “Barack Obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al-Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama’s failures,” McCain said. … […]

John McCain says Obama invented the Internet. And homophobia, too. Seriously.

And also the concept of attempting to cover one’s own homosexual desires by attacking a gay bar. Uh-oh.  Those Arizona Senate-race polls must be looking really bad for McCain. Seriously. ____ Okay, the article I link to, by the Washington Post’s Mike DeBonis, is titled “John McCain: Obama is ‘directly responsible’ for Orlando attack.”  And […]

Oh, Please.

The Democratic National Committee brought on a new chief of staff Thursday: Brandon Davis, the former national political director of the Service Employees International Union. The move is a sign Hillary Clinton is moving to consolidate control of the DNC now that she is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. Davis was introduced as the […]