Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Gas chambers have no place in our animal shelters

I just signed this petition, the information it provides which stunned and sickened me: Petitioning Utah State House Gas chambers have no place in our animal shelters   Petition by Caitlin HallidayKaysville, Utah 192,435 Supporters   Sign Caitlin’s petition   Nobody wants to put a pet to sleep. The process is heartbreaking, even in […]

Please consider signing this petition to shut down this place in Westport, MA

Internet petitions of this sort are helping and saving many, many abused animals.  What I don’t understand about this situation is why it’s been allowed to exist for well more than a decade after it was publicly known about. The petition is by IAnimal South Coast Pet Rescue and Education, Inc.

Frannie [with heartbreaking addendum added]

St. Francis (Frannie) was first reported to our group – Val’s Pals GSD and Large Paw Rescue –  via another rescue named Forgotten Dogs of 5th Ward (in Houston). They are a group who has volunteers go into the 5th Ward area and feed the enormous number of homeless dogs. We were alerted to her on the evening of […]

Operation Save Marley

I just signed this petition, and included this comment: What is the point of having this dog euthanized?  Why is this system so mechanical that it can’t or won’t distinguish between a dog who’s a threat and a dog who unsurprisingly under the circumstances thought someone was being harmed and tried to protect him?  […]


I was about to write a post about a Supreme Court opinion issued today, but made the mistake of checking my emails first–and saw this: Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society of the United States <> Today at 2:08 PM To Beverly Mann Message body Hi Beverly, you have a chance to see this message from Tuesday? The cruelty […]

Disgusting. Is Whole Foods a victim of fraud, or is it in on the fraud? Who knows?

In a report titled “A Deadly Feast: What you are not told about your Thanksgiving turkey,” an advocacy group called Direct Action Everywhere, known as “DxE,” alleged that Diestel Turkey Ranch operated one “picture perfect” farm with about 400 animals in Sonora, Calif. This farm, the group said, was certified “5+” in an animal-welfare system adopted by Whole Foods. (“Step 1″ is […]

I signed this CARE2 petition

The petition is here.  Including a comment is optional. I opted to write one: Matt the dog warden threatened her and her neighbor with arrest if they took the dog to the vet? And the violation of law charged would have been what, exactly? So there are three issues here: First, the dog’s owner did break […]